Wednesday, January 27, 2021



TS PRC Report 2020 Telangana 1st PRC Report

 1. Pay Scale: a) The Master Scale concept is retained with 32 Grades and 80 segments. The Master scale is formulated keeping in mind the following principles: i. Annual increment to range from 3.36% of the pay in initial stages to 2.33% finally. ii. Periodicity of increase in increment to be 3 years. 

b) The New Scale is evolved by merging DA with Basic Pay as on 1.7.2018. 

c) The ‘Minimum Pay’ for the lowest paid employee is to be Rs.19,000/- per month. 

d) The ‘Maximum Pay’ in the Master scale is worked out to Rs.1,62,070/- per month, which represents a Minimum to Maximum ratio of 1 : 8.53. 

e) In the event of stagnation which should not normally arise, grant of up to 5 stagnation increments is recommended. 

2. Fitment: The Commission recommends a fitment of 7.5% on Basic Pay. 3. Date of Effect: Since the DA is merged as on 1.7.2018, the new scales come into operation from 1.7.2018. Government may take a view on the date from which the financial benefit would accrue keeping in view its resource position and the various demands thereon.

4. Dearness Allowance: a. The existing practice of following the GOI in sanctioning DA twice a year is to be continued. b. As the Central rates of DA are based on DA merged scales of 1.1.2016 while DA as on 1.7.2018 has been merged in the scales now proposed for the State employees, the Commission recommends a conversion factor of 0.910 for sanction of DA from 1.1.2019. It means that for every 1% increase in DA sanctioned by GOI, the DA to be sanctioned by the State to its employees would be 0.910 % for the DA starting from 1.1.2019. 

5. House Rent Allowance: a). The classification of cities and towns has been updated with reference to the Final Census figures of 2011 obtained from the Director of Census Operations and from the latest notification of new municipal areas from the Director of Municipal Administration, Hyderabad. 

b). The existing rates of HRA viz. 30%, 20%, 14.5% and 12% has been changed to 24%, 17%, 13% and 11% respectively for different places, based on population. This has been done keeping 7th CPC recommendation in view. 

c). Additional HRA in lieu of rent free accommodation is retained at 8% of basic pay, but the monetary ceiling is increased from Rs.2,000/- to Rs.2,500/- p.m. 

6. City Compensatory Allowance: The present classification of municipal areas for the purpose of payment of City Compensatory Allowance is retained. The quantum of allowance is, however, increased for all the pay ranges. 

7. Enhancement of Age of Superannuation: The age of superannuation is extended from 58 years up to 60 years.

8. Advance Increments: The Commission has not recommended any special increment for possessing higher qualifications. 

9. Loans and Advances: The Commission has recommended encouraging the employees to go in for house building loans from commercial banks by Government suitably subsidizing the interest rates. Pending such an arrangement, increase in the quantum of various loans and advances is recommended. 

10. Leave Benefits: a) The Child Care Leave (CCL) be enhanced from 90 days to 120 days in the case of normal children. b) CCL be enhanced from 90 days to two years, in the case of disabled children only, on par with GOI. This leave be granted with 100% of the salary for the first 365 days and 80% of the salary for the next 365 days. c) CCL be extended to single male parents who may include unmarried or widower or divorcee employees. d) Special Disability Leave is substituted by a new Leave named “Work Related Illness and injury Leave (WRILL)” and Special Disability Leave for accidental injury and Hospital Leave are merged in WRILL. 

11. Medical Benefits: a) The Commission has recommended streamlining the cashless treatment under EHS by collecting 1% basic pay from employees and 1% of basic pension from the pensioners and creating a ‘separate reserve’ as in case of Arogya Bhadratha. The expenditure shall be met from the above reserve initially and the same shall be recouped from the reimbursement by the Government, after scrutiny of bills as per the existing rules. b) It is also recommended to extend the EHS to the retired CPS employees by collecting a lumpsum amount equal to one month pension or as decided by the Government at the time of their retirement. c) Medical Allowance to Service Pensioners and Family Pensioners is recommended to be enhanced from Rs.350/- p.m. to Rs.600/-p.m. 

12. Special Pays: a) The existing special pays are enhanced suitably. b) Further the Commission has recommended special pay of 15% of basic pay to certain categories of Protocol Department. 

13. Travelling Allowances (T.A.): a) The employees belonging to Grade-I and Grade-II of Annexure-I of T.A. rules be permitted to travel by A.C. buses of T.S.R.T.C/ A.C. Buses run by private operators while on tour, irrespective of whether the place is connected by rail or not. Similarly, the employees belonging to Grade- III may be permitted to travel by T.S.R.T.C/ Buses run by private operators except by A.C. Buses, and also between the places connected by train can claim the actual Bus charges paid for. b) Mileage Allowance increased to Rs.16/- per k.m. for petrol driven four wheelers, Rs.14/- per k.m. for diesel driven four wheelers and Rs.6/- per k.m. for motor cycle/ scooters. c) Rates of Daily Allowance and Lodging Charges enhanced by about 33% to a maximum of Rs.800/- per day of DA for tours to any place, outside the State and to a maximum lodging charges of Rs.1300/- per day at Delhi, etc. d) Conveyance charges to Court Masters and Personal Secretary to Hon’ble Judges of Telangana High Court increased to a maximum of Rs.5000/- per month. e) Fixed Travelling Allowance is enhanced suitably for journeys within the mandal from Rs.1200/- to Rs.1500/- per month and for journeys in more than one mandal within a Revenue Division from Rs.1500/- to Rs.2000/- per month. 

14. Leave Travel Concession a) In place of existing scheme of LTC (anywhere in the State/ Hometown), the LTC facility to visit any place in India once in the block period of four years, subject to maximum of 4 times in the entire service period, without any limitations regarding distance and amount is recommended. b) The definition of Family has been elaborated by including the dependent parents of the Government employees, whether Gazetted or Non- Gazetted.

15. Other Allowances: a) Reimbursement of Tuition Fee to the children of the NGOs is deleted. However, an incentive amount of Rs.2000/-p.a. per pupil, subject to a maximum of two children only be allowed to the employees who have admitted their children in Government schools. This facility is recommended to be extended to all the Government employees. b) Funeral Charges of deceased employee be increased to Rs.30,000/-. c) Special Compensatory Allowance increased by about 30% up to a maximum of Rs.1660/- per month to the employees working in scheduled areas. d) Substantial increase allowed on Uniform Allowance, Uniform Maintenance Allowance and Stitching Charges. e) Substantial increase recommended in ‘Emergency Health Care Allowance’, PG Degree and Diploma Allowance, Non Private Practice Allowance, Tribal Allowance and Rural Allowance for several categories of employees in Medical related Departments. f) ‘Readers Allowance’ to Visually Challenged Teachers and Lecturers recommended to be increased by about 30%, up to a maximum of Rs.2500/- per month. g) ‘Delhi Allowance’ / ‘Special Compensatory Allowance’ to staff working in Telangana Bhavan at New Delhi recommended to be increased to 20% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.5500/- per month. h) ‘Special Gratuity Allowance’ to drivers of Telangana Bhavan recommended to be increased to Rs.40/- per hour subject to a ceiling of 100 hours in a month. i) ‘Conveyance Allowance’ to blind, hearing impaired and physically challenged employees increased to 10% of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs.3000/- per month. 

16. Pension Benefits: a) The minimum pension/ family pension shall be fixed at Rs.9,700/- p.m. i.e., 50% of the minimum pay in the revised master pay scale. b) Quantum of pension: Full pension is recommended to be allowed to the State Government employees retiring after 20 years of service (as per O.M. dt:02.09.2008 of GOI). However, the existing provision of service weightage of 5 years with regard to the Government employees retiring in less than 20 years of service will continue. c) If a Government servant dies while in service, the enhanced family pension shall be payable for a maximum period of either 10 years from the day next to the date of death of the employee/ pensioner or till the employee / pensioner would have attained the age of 65 years had he been alive, whichever is earlier. d) The mentally retarded/ physically challenged son/ daughter of an employee are recommended to be paid family pension for their life time even after their marriage. e) To provide relief to pensioners who retired a long time ago, additional quantum of pension @ 15% of Basic Pension recommended from the age of 75 years onwards and proposed up to 100% of basic pension to the pensioners aged 100 years or above. f) The maximum amount of Gratuity payable at the time of retirement recommended to be increased from Rs.12/- lakhs to Rs.16/- lakhs. g) Relief amount on the death of service pensioner / family pensioner recommended to increase from Rs.20,000/- to Rs.30,000/-. h) The financial assistance is recommended to be increased to the level of minimum service pension, increased family pension with no dearness relief after 1.7.2018. i) Restoration of commuted portion of pension after 15 years to be continued, till such time as the commutation table is revised by the Government of India. 

17. Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS)/ New Pension Scheme (NPS): a) It is recommended to increase the employer’s share to 14% of (Basic Pay + D.A.) in place of 10% of (Basic Pay + D.A.), on the lines of GOI. b) Invalidation pension / family pension be extended to the employees of State Government covered under the Contributory Pension Scheme and their family members. c) Death Relief (obsequies charges) is extended to retired CPS employees also on par with the pensioners/ family pensioners under old pension scheme. 

18. Full time/Part time Contingent employees/ Daily Wage and NMRs: The Commission recommends to provide certain leave and other benefits to these categories. 

19. Human Resources to Meet Contemporary Requirements of Governance The existing human resources of all departments in tune with the contemporary requirements including contract / outsourcing personnel was reviewed. It is recommended to sanction annual increase of Rs.1000/- to the contract/ outsourcing personnel.


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