Duration: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes
Note: * Science includes Science content of Environmental Studies (EVS) (Classes I - V), General Science Classes VI & VII) and Physical science &Bio-Science (Class VIII)
** Social Studies includes Social Studies Content of Environmental Studies(EVS) (Classes I - V) and Social Studies (Classes VI - VIII)
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
I. Historical Development of Education in India
1. Development of Education from Pre-Vedic to Pre-Independent Period.
2. Recommendations of various Educational Committees, Education Commissions, Educational Policies during pre & post independent period and their implications.
II. Philosophical Dimensions of Education
1. Aims, Objectives, Functions; Processes of Education - Unipolar, Bipolar and Tripolar; Types of Education – Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education and their significance.
2. Educational thinkers and their contributions – Swami Vivekananda, Mahathma Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar, Jiddu Krishnamurthy, Gijubhai Badheka, Rousseau, Froebel, Dewey and Montessori
3. Professional code of conduct for teachers, Professional Ethics – commitment to profession, learner and society
4. Critical Understanding of the difference between knowledge and skill, knowledge and information, teaching and training, reason and belief
III. Sociological Dimensions of Education
1. Social agencies of Education – Home, Peer group, School, Community.
2. Democracy and Education- Equity, Equality of Educational Opportunities in diversified society, Role of Education in promoting democracy.
3. Economics of Education – Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource Development
4. Gender: Social construction of gender, gender discrimination, Equity and Empowerment of Women, working towards gender equality in the classroom - the role of teacher.
5. Community Development – Education as an instrument for Social Change and Transformation of Society
IV. Child – Development and Learning
1. Methods of Child Study – Observation, Introspection, Experimental Method and Case Study.
2. Principles of Development and their Educational implications
3. Stages and Dimensions of Development – Growth and development across various stages from pre-natal to adolescence – Physical, Cognitive, Language, Emotional, Social and Moral (Contribution of Piaget, Erikson, Chomsky and Kohlberg), Developmental tasks and their implications, Child Rearing Practices and development
4. Understanding Learner – Individual differences (Intra & Inter) – aptitude, interest, intelligence, thinking (divergent and convergent), attitude, personality
5. Understanding Learning – Concept, Factors effecting Learning – Personal, Environmental and Material; Role of Motivation in Learning; Memory and Forgetting; Learning Theories – Behavioristic (Trial & Error, Classical and Operant Conditioning), Insight, Social and Constructivist (Vygotsky)
V. Professional Development of Teachers
1. Teaching as a Profession
2. Phases of Professional Development – Pre-service and In-service
3. Approaches to Professional Development –Conventional (face to face), Distance, Online, School based, Action Research, Professional Learning Communities, Self - Initiated Learning, Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
4. NCF-2005, NCFTE-2009, NCFSE-2023
5. Teacher Autonomy & Accountability.
6. Institutions relating to Teachers and Teacher Education - NCERT, NCTE, RCI, SCERT, IASE, CTE, DIET
VI. Educational concerns in Contemporary India
1. Environmental Education – Meaning, Scope, Concept of Sustainable Development, Role of Teacher, School and NGOs in development and protection of environment.
2. Population Education – Significance, Population Situation, Consequences of population growth, Approaches and Themes of Population Education, Family Life Education
3. Adolescence Education – Significance, Challenges, Coping Skills and Life Skills.
4. Inclusive Education – Concept, addressing diversified needs, Importance of Early Identification, Methods & Strategies of Classroom Management, Creation of awareness among Students, Parents and Society, Role of Education in creating positive attitude towards diversity.
5. Education in the context of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization) – Privatization of Education – Issues of Equal opportunities, Urbanization and Migration.
6. Value Education – Importance of Value Education in Primary and Secondary Stages of Education, role of school and teacher in developing appropriate values among children and creation of an egalitarian society
7. Health & Wellbeing - Physical, Mental, Social and Emotional Health, Yoga Education.
8. Educational Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Education – pedagogical implications, exploration of ICT resources for teaching and learning, open educational resources
9. Constitutional Provisions relevant to Education – Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens, Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Child Rights, Human Rights, PWD Act, 2016 and other Provisions pertaining to Education.
Part-III: Language-I (Marks-9)
Telugu - Content
1. ప్రాచీన, ఆధునిక కవులు - రచయితలు – విశేషాలు
కావ్యాలు – రచనలు – బిరుదులు – పురస్కారాలు – రచనా శైలి – పాత్రలు – ఇతి వృత్తాలు - నేపథ్ాం 2. వివిధ స్కహితా ప్రక్రియలు – లక్షణాలు – వివరణలు
ఇతిహాసం – పురాణం – ప్రబంధం – శతకం – కథాకావాం – వ్యాసం – కథ్ – కథానిక – నవల – స్వీయ చరిత్ర – జీవిత చరిత్ర –యాత్రా చరిత్ర వచన కవిత – గేయం
3. భాష – వివిధ రూపాలు
శాసన భాష – గ్రంథిక భాష – వ్యావహారిక భాష – మండలిక భాష – ప్రస్కర మధామల భాష – భాషా పరిరక్షణ అభివృద్ధి సంసథలు
4. పదజాలం - వ్యాకరణాంశాలు
A) పదజాలం : అరాథలు –పరాాయపదాలు –నానారాథలు – ప్రకృతి వికృతులు – జాతీయాలు -స్కమెతలు
B) వ్యాకరణాంశాలు: వరణమల విభాగాలు – భాషా భాగాలు – విభక్తాలు – కాలాలు – పురుషులు – కరా – కరమ –క్రియ –లింగాలు –సవరణదీరఘ, గుణ, ఉతీ, అతీ, ఇతీ సందులు – దీందీ, ద్ధీగు, తతుురుష సమస్కలు
Language I - Hindi – Part – III - Content
1. कवि/लेखक – रचनाएँ, विषयिस्तु, चररत्र चचत्रण, भाषा – शैली, पुरस्कार 2. साहित्ययक विधाएँऔर उनकी विशेषताएँ
3. भाषा तयि और व्याकरण
∙ शब्द भेद
∙ ललिंग, िचन, कारक, काल
∙ उपसगग, प्रययय
∙ तयसम, तद्भि, देशज, विदेशी
∙ शब्द-अर्ग, लभन्नार्ग, पयागय, विलोम
∙ सिंचध, समास
∙ िाक्य भेद, िाक्य सिंरचना
∙ घटना क्रम, िाक्य क्रम
∙ िाच्य
∙ मुिािरे, किािते, लोकोत्क्तयाँ
Language I - Kannada – Part – III - Content
1. ಪ್ರಾಚೀನ ಮತ್ತು ಆಧತನಿಕ ಕವಿಗಳತ - ಲೀಖಕರತ - ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳತ
ಕವನಗಳತ - ಕೃತಿಗಳತ - ಶಿೀರ್ಷಿಕೆಗಳತ - ಪ್ಾಶಸ್ತುಗಳತ - ಬರವಣಿಗೆಯ ಶೈಲಿ - ಪ್ರತ್ಾಗಳತ - ಇತಿ ವೃತ್ುಗಳತ - ಹಿನ್ನೆಲ
2. ವಿವಿಧ ಸರಹಿತ್ಯ ಪ್ಾಕರರಗಳತ - ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳತ - ವಿವರಣೆಗಳತ
ಮಹರಕರವಯ - ಪ್ುರರಣ - ಪ್ಾಬಂಧ - ಶತ್ಮರನ - ಕಥನ ಕಥನ - ಪ್ಾಬಂಧ - - ಕರದಂಬರಿ - ಆತ್ಮಚರಿತ್ರಾ - ಜೀವನಚರಿತ್ರಾ - ಪ್ಾವರಸ ಇತಿಹರಸ ಪ್ಠ್ಯ ಕವಿತ್ರ – ಹರಡತ
3. ಭರಷೆ - ವಿವಿಧ ರೂಪ್ಗಳತ
ಕರನೂನತ ಭರಷೆ - ಸರಹಿತಿಯಕ ಭರಷೆ - ಆಡತಮರತಿನ ಭರಷೆ - ಆಡತಭರಷೆಯ ಭರಷೆ - ಮರಧಯಮ ಭರಷೆ - ಭರಷರ ಸಂರಕ್ಷಣರ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಗಳತ
4. ಶಬದಕೊೀಶ - ವರಯಕರಣ ಅಂಶಗಳತ
A) ಶಬದಕೊೀಶ: ಅಥಿಗಳತ - ಸಮರನರಥಿಕ - ಆಂಟೂನಿಮ ಗಳತ - ವಿಪ್ಥನಗಳತ - ರರರ್ಷರೀಯತ್ರಗಳತ - ರರರ್ಷರೀಯತ್ರಗಳತ - ನರಣತುಡಿ
B) ವರಯಕರಣ ಅಂಶಗಳತ: ವಣಿಮರಲಯ ವಿಭರಗಗಳತ - ಭರಷ್ಟಣ - ಭರಷ್ಟಣ ಭರಗಗಳತ - ಅನಂತರಥಿಗಳತ – ಕರಲಗಳತ – ಪ್ುರತಷ್ಟರತ – ಕತ್ಿ – ಕಮಿ – ಕ್ರಾಯರ – ಲಿಂಗಗಳತ – ಸವಣಿದ್ಧೀರ್ಿ, ಗತಣ, ಉತ್ವ, ಅತ್ವ, ಇತ್ವ ಸಂದತಗಳತ – ದವಂದವ, ದ್ಧವಗತ, ತ್ತ್ತುರತಷ್ಟ ಸಮರಸ.
Language I - Marati – Part – III - Content
1. प्राचीन आणण आधनुनक किी - लेखक - िैलशष्ट्ये कविता - कायग - शीषगक - परुस्कार - लेखन शैली - पात्रे - इनत ित्तृ - पार्शिभग मू ी
2. विविध साहियय प्रकार - िैलशष्ट्ये - िणगने मिाकाव्य - लमर्क - प्रबिंध - शतक - कर्ा कविता - ननबिंध - कर्ा - कर्ा - कादिंबरी - आयमचररत्र - चररत्र - प्रिास इनतिास मजकूर कविता - कविता
3. भाषा - लभन्न स्िरूप ललणखत भाषा - साहित्ययक भाषा - बोलचाल भाषा - बोलीभाषा - माध्यम भाषा - भाषा सिंरक्षण विकास सिंस्र्ा
4. शब्दसिंग्रि - व्याकरण
A) शब्दसिंग्रि : अर्ग - समानार्ी - विरुद्धार्ी - ननसगागच्या असामान्यता - राष्टरीययि - नीनतसत्रू े
B) व्याकरण: िणगमाला विभाग - भाषेचे भाग - विभक्ती - काल - परुुष - कताग - कमग - क्रक्रया - लल िंग, सिणगदघग, उभयता अयि, इयि सधिं ु– द्ििंद्ि, द्विग, ु तयपरुुष समास
Language I - Tamil – Part – III - Content
Language I – Bengali – Part – III - Content
1. াচীন ও আধুিনক কিব – লখক - বিশ
কাব - রচনা - িশেরানাম - পুরার - লখার ধরণ - চির - ইিত বৃি - পটভূ িম 2. িবিভ সািহেতর ধারা – লণ – বণন া
ইিতহাস - মহাকাব - পরু াণ – ব – শতাী - আখান কিবতা - গ – বণন ামূলক - উপনাস আজীবনী - জীবনী - মণ ইিতহাস পাঠ কিবতা - গান
3. ভাষা – িবিভ প
সাংিবধািনক ভাষা – সািহিতক ভাষা – কেথাপকথন ভাষা – উপভাষা ভাষা – সসার িমিডয়ার ভাষা িলিখত ভাষা – সাধু ভাষা – চািলত ভাষা – ভাষা সংরণ উয়ন সংা
4. শভাার – বাকরণ
ক) শভাার : অথ – সমাথক শ – িভাথক শ – িবপরীতাথক শ – নানাথক শ -েলােকা – বাদ -িতশ
খ) বাকরণগত উপাদান: বণান ু িমক িবভাগ - ভাষার অংশ - িবভ - কাল - পু ষ - কতা - কম - য়া - িল – কারক - বীিহ, ণ, কমধ ারয়,অবয়ীভাব - , - ি, তৎপু ষ সমাস Part-IV: English-Content (Marks-9)
1. Parts of speech
2. Types of sentences
3. Tenses
4. Articles and determiners
5. Prepositions
6. Transformation of sentences- voice, reported speech, degrees of comparison, conditionals, relativization, etc.
7. Synthesis of sentences
8. Clauses
9. Phrasal verbs and idioms
10. Uses of expressions /phrases
11. Reading comprehension
12. Composition: Paragraph, essay, expansion, précis, letter writing, message, notice, article and report writing etc.
13. Vocabulary- spelling, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, homonyms, homophones, derivatives, word formation, contextual meaning of words, etc.
14. One word substitutes
15. Correction of sentences
16. Figures of speech
17. Framing questions and question tags
18. Proverbs
19. Punctuation
Part-V: Mathematics - Content (Marks-9)
1. Number System (Elementary number theory): Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers, Fundamental operations and their properties, Numeration and notation, Representation of numbers on number line, properties of numbers; Prime and composite numbers, types of primes (coprime, twin prime, relative prime); Even and odd numbers, divisibility tests; Roman Numerals; HCF and LCM, relation between HCF and LCM, prime factorization and division method; Fractions and Decimals; Representation of decimal numbers (terminating, non-terminating but recurring) in rational form – their fundamental operations and their use in daily life; Squares and Square roots, Cubes and Cube roots; Pythagorean triplets; Playing with numbers; Number patterns
2. Arithmetic: Length, weight, capacity, time and money - their standard units - Relation between them - their use in daily life; Ratio and proportion, Direct and indirect proportion, Unitary method, Compound ratio; Percentages- Converting fractions and decimals into percentage and vice-versa; profit – loss, discount, Simple interest, compound interest, Partnership, time & distance and time & work, Problems pertaining to clocks and calendar.
3. Algebra: Basic Concepts of Algebra, Algebraic expressions and their Fundamental operations, Factorization, some special products, Identities, solving linear equations in one variable in contextual problems involving multiplication and division (word problems) (with integral coefficient in the equations); Exponents and powers
4. Geometry: Basic geometrical concepts – Geometry in real life; 3D, 2D shapes – Nets – drawing - representing; Triangles – types – properties - Median and Altitude of a triangle - centroid, Criteria of congruence - constructions - related theorems; Similar figures - Estimation of heights and distances by similar figures; Quadrilaterals - Types of Quadrilaterals and their properties – constructions – related theorems; Circle and its components - construction; Lines and Angles - Pair of lines – Intersecting lines, perpendicular lines and parallel lines - Pairs of angles - Properties of parallel lines with transversal, Perpendicular bisector - construction; Construction of angles; Symmetry - lines of symmetry - rotational and reflective symmetry - Point of symmetry – Dilations - Tessellations
5. Mensuration - Area and Perimeter–Triangle - Quadrilaterals; Area of rectangular paths; Area of the circle - circular paths (Ring) and area of sector, Circumference of Circle; Curved Surface Area & Total Surface Area of a cube and cuboid; Volume and capacity - Volume of cube and cuboid; conversion of units.
6. Statistics and Probability – Data- Collection and organisation of data; Pictograph and Bar graphs: Simple pie charts; Measures of central tendency - Mean, Median and Mode of ungrouped and grouped data - Specific usages; Frequency distribution for ungrouped and grouped data- Preparation of frequency distribution table; Frequency graphs (histogram for equal and unequal class intervals, frequency polygon, frequency curve, cumulative frequency curves) and related problems.
Part VI – Science Content (Marks-9)
1. Measurement: Measurement of lengths, Units of Measurements, Measurement of thickness of a coin, Measurement of the length of a curved path, Measurement of Area, Measurement of the area of a regular and irregular surface, Measurement of volume, measurement of volume of liquids, Measurement of volume of irregular solids using a measuring cylinder.
2. Natural Resources:
i. Air and Water: Composition of air, Hot air and Cool air, Effects of moving air, Cyclone, Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure, Air Pollution, Sources water on earth, Forms of water, evaporation of water, condensation of water, water cycle, Water and its uses, Measurement of the volume of water, Water pollution, Process of waste water treatment, safe drinking water stages, Diseases caused by untreated water, other ways of disposing sewage, Types of drainage systems, Draughts, Floods, Conservation of water.
ii. Weather and Climate: Measuring components of weather, measurement of temperature of a place, Measurement of rainfall, direction of wind, Humidity, Climate and life style.
iii. Coal and Petroleum: Sources of materials, Exhaustible and Inexhaustible materials, Coal - formation, Uses of Coal - Coal, coke and Coal tar, Col gas, Petroleum - formation, refining of petroleum, uses of petroleum, use of natural gases, Petrochemical products, conservation of coal and petroleum, Misuse of energy resources and consequences, harmful effects caused during use of fuels.
iv. Combustion, Fuels and flame: Combustible and non-combustible materials, Process of combustion, Ignition temperature, Types of combustion, Fuels, calorific value, Fire control, Flame, structure of flame
3. Natural Phenomena
i. Light: Sources of light, Shadows, Reflection, Laws of Reflection, Periscope, Kaleidoscope, Pin hole camera, Reflection of light by plane surfaces- Formation of image by a pinhole camera, Fermat principle, Plane mirror, Reflection of light by plane mirror, Plane of reflection, Formation of an image by plane mirror and its characteristics, uses of plane mirrors, Rear view mirror, Spherical mirror, Convex mirror and Concave mirror, Real and Virtual image, Regular and Irregular reflections, Lateral inversion.
ii. Sound: Identifying different sounds, Sound is a form of energy, Production of sound, Propagation of sound in different media, Types of waves, Sound waves Longitudinal, Characteristics of the sound Wave-Loudness, feebleness, Wave length, Amplitude, Time period and frequency, Speed of sound wave, Noise and Music, Musical instruments, Characteristics of a musical Sound-Pitch, Loudness, Quality, Audible range, Sound pollution, Measure to control sound pollution.
iii. Heat: Sources of Heat, Heat is a form of an Energy, Heat, Temperature and Units, Measurement of Temperature, Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales, Different types of thermometers.
iv. Some natural phenomena: Types of charges and their interaction, Presence of charge of a body, transfer of charge, Lightning, Lightning safety, Lightning conductors, Earthquakes, Tsunami, protection against Earthquakes, Earthquakes in Telangana.
v. Stars and solar system- Length of a shadow, North-south movement of the Sun. Sun dial, Moon, Phases of Moon, Solar and Lunar eclipses, Constellations, Pole star, Solar System, The planets, Stars, Meteors, Asteroids and Comets, Artificial Satellites.
4. Kinematics and Dynamics
i. Motion- Motion and rest, Types of motions- Translatory motion, Rotatory motion, Oscillatory motion, Speed, Average speed.
ii. Force: Types of forces- Contact forces and field forces, Net force, Effects of net force acting on a table, Effect of stretched rubber bands on fingers, calculation of net force from free body diagrams, Effect of force on change the state of motion and its direction, Effects of net force on direction of moving object, other effects of force, Pressure.
iii. Friction: Types of friction, Factors affecting friction, friction produces heat, Increasing and decreasing of friction, principle of ball bearings, Fluid friction, factors influencing the fluid friction.
iv. Time: Estimating time, Units of time, Time Measuring instruments.
5. Magnetism: Story of magnet, Magnets of different shapes, materials attracted by Magnet, Poles of a Bar magnet, Directions of a Bar magnet, Magnetic compass, attraction and repulsion between two magnets, Earth as a Magnet, Magnetic and non-magnetic substances, Making of a magnet and magnetic compass, Magnetic induction.
6. Electricity -Electric cell-Dry cell, Bulb, Switch, Torch light, Electric symbols and their uses, Simple electric circuits, Connecting Electric cells and bulbs in Series and Parallel, Heating effect of electric current, Tube lights, Compact Florescent lamps, Miniature circuit breaker(MCB), Electric fuses, Testing conductivity of materials- conductors,
insulators, Electric conductivity of liquids, Electric conductivity of electrolyte, Chemical effect of electric current, Electrolytic cell, Electroplating and its uses.
7. States of Mater – Matter around us- Properties of Materials-Transparent, Opaque, translucent, States of matter, Changes in Matter (Physical change and Chemical Change, Slow and fast changes, temporary and permanent changes), Matter- Changing its states.
8. Materials
i. Acids, Bases and Salts: Natural indicators, Chemical indicators to test Acids and Bases, Acid rains, Manures, Salts.
ii. Natural Fibres, Synthetic Fibres and plastics: Types of fibres, Natural fibres Cotton, Jute, Silk, Wool, Yarn to fabric, identifying fibres - burning test, Synthetic fibres- Nylon, Rayon, Acrylic, Polyesters, Plastics-Resin identification codes, Plastics, Types of plastics - Thermo plastics, Thermosetting plastics, plastics and environment, Bio degradable and non-biodegradable, 4R principle, recycling code.
iii. Metals and Non-metals: Physical properties of Metals-Appearance, Sonority, Malleability, Ductility, Electric and Thermal conductivity. Chemical properties of metals- Reaction with oxygen, rusting of metals, Reaction with water, Reaction with Acids, Reactivity of metals, Uses of metals and non-metals.
9. Separation of Substances: Separating the components of a mixture, Hand picking, Sedimentation and decantation, sieving and filtration, Crystallization, Sublimation, Evaporation, chromatography.
10. Biological Sciences: Introduction, Living and Non-living, Our Food, Food components, Habitat, Importance of Biology in human welfare, Biologists
11. Living World: Life and its Characteristics, Classification of Living Organisms, Biodiversity and its conservation, Extinct, Endangered, Endemic and Invasive Alien Species
12. Microbial World: The world of Microorganisms- Virus, Bacteria. Algae. Fungi and Protozoan. Useful and Harmful Micro-organisms, Diseases-Causes, Infectious and non infectious, Acute and chronic, means of spread, antibiotics and vaccines.
13. Cell & Tissues: Discovery of the cell, Diversity in Cells, Cell is a Structural and Functional unit of life. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell. Structure of Eukaryotic Cell, Cell Organelles – Structure and functions, differences between Plant Cell and Animal Cell. Cell Division - Mitosis and Meiosis – their significance, Tissues - Plant and Animal tissues – Types, Structure and Functions.
14. Plant World: Morphology of a typical flowering plant - Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower - Parts of a Flower and their functions, Fruit, Modifications of Root. Stem and Leaf, Nutrition in plants- Photosynthesis, Insectivorous plants, Transpiration, Transportation (Ascent of Sap). Respiration, Excretion and Reproduction in Plants, Seed dispersal, Economic importance of Plants, Fibre to fabric- Silk and wool, Soil- our life, Water in our life, Forest- our life, Agricultural Operations – production of food from plants,
Seasonal crops, Crop diseases and Control measures, Improvement in Crop yield, Storage and Preservation.
15. Animal World: Organs and Organ Systems, Movements in Animals, Reproduction in animals – Oviparous, Viviparous, the age of adolescence, Reproduction in humans, Nutrition in man Nutrients and their functions, Balanced Diet, Deficiency diseases. Tropical diseases, Skin diseases. Blindness in humans: Causes, Prevention and Control, Health agencies, Economic Importance of Animals, Animal Husbandry, Breeding of Cows and Buffaloes
16. Our Environment: Water in our Life, Abiotic and Biotic factors, Ecosystem, Different Ecosystems – Terrestrial, Aquatic and Mangrove, Food chain, Food web, Ecological pyramids and their types, Energy Flow in an ecosystem, Energy relations in an Ecosystem, Adaptations to different ecosystems, Natural Resources Classification, Judicial use of Renewable, Non-renewable and Alternative Resources, Bio-mass and Bio-fuels Non-Conventional Energy Sources Wild Life Conservation, Sanctuaries, National Parks in India. Bio- Geochemical Cycles, Environmental pollution – Common pollutants and their sources, Primary and secondary pollutants, Air, Water, Soil and Sound – causes, effects and preventive measures, Global Warming (Green House Effect), Acid Rains and Depletion of Ozone layer,
17. Applied Biology: Production of food from Animals- Pisciculture, Apiculture, Sericulture. Poultry management. NECC, Hybridization.
Part-VII: Social Studies - Content (Marks-9)
1. Maps: reading analysis, different kinds of Maps and making of maps- Globe as the model of earth.
2. The Solar System and the Earth: Origin and Evolution of the Solar System – Galaxy, The Earth as a member of the Solar System, Origin of the Earth, Interior of the Earth, Rotation and Revolution of the Earth and its effects., Latitudes and Longitudes – Standard time – International date line.
3. Major Landforms: Mountains, plateaus and plains, Classification and Distribution of Mountains in the World, Origin and distribution of plateaus inthe World, Classification of plains, Geomorphic process: Rock weathering, mass-wasting, erosion and deposition, Formation of soil and its distribution.
4. Climatology (Weather and Climate): Atmosphere – composition and structure, Insolation – Factors influencing insolation, Temperature – Factors controlling temperature, distribution of temperature and inversion of temperature, Pressure – Global pressure belts, Winds – Planetary, Seasonal & Local, Humidity and Precipitation – Rain – types and distribution of rainfall.
5. Natural Realms of the Earth: Lithosphere- Hydrosphere- Atmosphere and Biosphere.
6. Natural Hazards: Floods, Drought, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Landslides.
7. Ground water: Tanks, building of tanks – decline of tanks and fishing in tanks.- ground water level or water table – rocks and ground water in Telangana- recharging of ground water – quality of ground water and use of ground water.
8. Forests: description and distribution-status of forests in Telangana- tribal use of forests forest products- economic importance and trade- deforestation- forest conservation- (social forestry) –forest rights Act.
9. Major Natural Regions of the World: The Equatorial Regions, The Tropical Hot Desert Region, The Savannas or the Tropical Grasslands, The Temperate Grassland Region, The Monsoon Lands, The Mediterranean Region, The Taiga Region, The Tundra Region.
10. Continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia & Antarctica - with reference to location and extent, physical features, climate, Natural Vegetation & Wild life, population, Agriculture, Minerals & Industries, Transportation and Trade.
11. Geography of India and Telangana: Location and extent, physical features – relief and drainage, climate, natural vegetation, agriculture - soils, irrigation, power, population, minerals and industries, Transport and Communication, Seaports and Towns, places of Interest.
1. Study of the past - Pre-Historic and Proto – Historic Period a) Bronze Age Civilization b) Early Iron Age Societies – Impact of Iron Age and the growthof civilization, Early Iron Civilization in India, The Ancient Chinese Civilization, The Persian, Greek and the Roman Civilization, Judaism and Christianity. c) The Ancient Indian Civilization: Indus Valley Civilization, Aryan Civilization – Early Vedic and Later Vedic Civilization.
2. Religious Movements of 6th Century B.C. – Jainism & Buddism.
3. India from 200 B.C. to 300 A.D.:The Mahajanapadas, The Mauryas, Andhra Satavahanas, The Persian and Greek Invasion, Magadha, Sangam and Kushans.
4. India from 300 A.D. to 800 A.D.: The Gupta Empire, The Pushyabhuthi Dynasty (Harshavardhana).
5. Deccan and South Indian Kingdoms: The Chalukyas, the Pallavas, the Cholas, the Rashtrakutas, the Yadavas and the Kakatiyas.
6. The Muslim Invasions in India: The Condition of India on the eve of Arab Invasion, Turkish invasions, Ghaznavids raids and its results, Effects of Muslim invasions.
7. Delhi Sultanate: The Slaves, the Khiljis, the Tughluqs, the Sayyids and the Lodis, Downfall of Delhi Sultanate, The Sufi Movement and Bhakthi Movement, Influence of Islam on Indian Culture.
8. The South Indian Kingdom: The Kakatiya, the Vizianagaram and the Bahman Kingdom. The Rule of Golconda, Qutubshahis and Asafjahis.
9. Mughal Empire: The condition of India on the eve of Babur’s invasion, Babur, Humayun, Shersha, Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangajeb, The reasons for the downfall of the Mughal Empire, The Rise of Marathas, History of the Sikhs.
10. Advent of Europeans: Portuguese, Dutch, French & English: Anglo – French rivalry – Carnatic wars, Establishment of British rule in India, The first war of Indian Independence, The Governor Generals and the Viceroys, The Socio – Religious movements, Movements among Muslims for social reforms.
11. Cultural Heritage of India and Intellectual awakening: Art and Architecture, Development of Education, Cultural Unity and Bhakthi movement.
12. India Between 1858 – 1947: Political, Economic and Social Policies of British in India, The British Policy towards Indian princess, British policy towards neighbouring countries.
13. Changes in Economic and Social Sectors during the British period: Agriculture, Famines in India in between 1858 – 1947, Transport facilities, Beginning of Modern Industries, Rise of new classes in Indian Society.
14. Rise of Nationalism – Freedom Movement: Causes for the rise of Nationalism, The Birth of Indian National Congress, The Age of Moderates and Extremists, Vandemataram Movement, Home Rule Movement, Mahatma Gandhi & Indian National Movement, Quit India Movement, Mountbatten plan, Integration of Princely States, land lords and tenant under British and the Nizam, freedom movements in Hyderabad. Liberation of French and Portuguese colonies.
15. The Modern World: Beginning of Modern Age, Renaissance, Developmentin Science, The Reformation Movement, Rise of Nation States.
16. World Wars: The First World War, League of Nations, The Second World War, The World after Second World War.
1. Family, Occupations, Our House & Our Shelter, Community – Types, Community development, Civic life, Social evils in our Society, Our Government: Local Self – Government, Rural, Urban, Decentralization of powers, District administration, Government at the Centre, State with reference to: Executive – Executive council in the
Union Govt. and State Govt., Legislative – Indian Parliament, State Legislative Assembly, Legislation and Judiciary and interpretation of laws, Independent Judiciary Judicial system in the country and State, Courts as Watch dogs of Citizens Rights, Lok Adalats.
2. Indian Constitution: India as a Nation – Preamble, Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,Fundamental Duties, India as a federation and Unitary State, Unity in Diversity & National Integration. Indian Democracy: Meaning, Nature, Democratic Government, village panchayats, local self-
Governments in Urban areas. Elections and Election process, Major Political parties, Role of Political Parties in democracy, Presidential and Parliamentary democracy, Information awareness – Right to Information Act. Socialism: Meaning, Definition, Characteristics of Socialism, Social barriers in India, Socialism in Practice – Challenges facing in our country - Illiteracy, regionalism, communalism, child rights, law, society and individual, anti-social practices. Secularism: Need and importance, India – religious tolerance, Promotion of Secularism in India, Gender Equality, right to property, Child Rights.
3. World Peace and Role of India: India in the international era, Foreign Policy Non Alignment Movement Policy (NAM), India and Common Wealth, India’s Relations with Super Powers, India and Neighbours, India and SAARC, India’s leading role in the World. UNO and Contemporary World Problems: UNO - Organs and specialized agencies, functions, achievements, India’s Role in U.N., Contemporary World problems, New International Economic order, Environmental Protection, Human Rights.
4. Traffic Education / Road Safety Education.
5. Culture and Communication- Handicrafts and handlooms in Telangana- Structural Monuments- performing arts- and artists, Film and print media and sports: Nationalism and Commerce.
1. Economics – Meaning, Definition, Scope, importance – Classification of Economics (Micro & Macro) – Concepts of Economics – different types of goods, wealth, income, utility, value, price, wants and welfare. Basic elements of Economics – Types of utility, consumption, production, distribution, scarcity, Economic agents. Factors of production – Land, Labour, Capital and organization – forms of Business Organization.
2. Theory of Demand: Meaning, determinants of demand, demand schedule – individual & market demand schedule, the law of demand, demand curve, demand function.
3. Supply: Meaning, determinants of supply, supply schedule, Individual and market supply schedule, law of supply, supply curve.
4. Theory of Value: Classification of markets, perfect competition features, price determination.
5. Theory of Distribution: Distribution of income – determination of factor prices – rent, wage, interest and profit.
6. Types of Economics – Capitalistic, Socialistic & Mixed Economy.
7. National Income: Definition of National Income – Concepts – Gross National Product, Net National Product – National Income at factor cost – personal income – disposable income – per capita income – nominal and real G.N.P., National income and distribution – Standard of living, Human development Index – Economic inequalities and poverty line.
8. Budget: Meaning, definition, central and state budgets, Types of budget – Surplus, balanced & deficit, Types of Revenue – Taxation – direct and indirect taxes, Classification of revenue & expenditure in budget, Types of deficits.
9. Money: Definition – functions of money, Classification of money, supply of money.
10. Banking: Commercial banks – Functions, Central Bank – origin and functions, Reserve Bank of India.
11. Economic Growth and Development: Economic Growth, Economic development – concept, Indicators, Factors influencing Economic Development, Economic Development in India.
12. Indian Economy: Characteristic of Indian Economy before Independence: Indian Economy since independence – organized and unorganized Sectors. Population in India – birth and death rate –occupational distribution of population in India and Telangana. Human Resource Development: Meaning of Human Resource Development –Role of Education and Health in Economic development – Human Development Index.
Agriculture Sector in India: Importance – Characteristics of Indian agriculture, causes for low productivity, measures to increase agriculture productivity in India, Land reforms in India – Green Revolution. Industrial Sector: Role of Industrial Sector in Indian Economy – Classification of Industries. Tertiary Sector: Role and importance of Service Sector in Indian Economy. Problems of Indian Economy: Poverty, unemployment and regional disparities. Planning: Meaning and definition – Five Year Plans in India. Disaster management and types of disaster and natural disasters.
Part-VIII: Methodology (Marks -15)
Methodology - TELUGU
1. భాష – నిరీచనాలు, ఉతుతిా వ్యదాలు, భాషా క్తటంబాలు
2. మతృభాష – బోధనా లక్షాలు - సుష్టీకరణాలు, కనీస అభాసన స్కథయిలు (M.L.Ls) విదా ప్రమణలు (Academic Standards) ద్ధీతీయ భాషగా తెలుగు – త్రిభాషా సూత్రం
3. భాషా నైపుణాాలు (Language skills) – సముపారజనలో అవరోధాలు, అభివృద్ధి చరాలు, వ్యని అంతరగత సంబంధము: ప్రత్యాక అవసరాలు గల పిలలల భాషాభివృద్ధి
4. మతృభాష: విదా ప్రణాళిక, విషయ ప్రణాళిక, పాఠ్ా గ్రంథాల నిరామణం వ్యరిిక ప్రణాళిక, యూనిట్ ప్రణాళిక, పీరియడ్ ప్రణాళిక
5. బోధనాభాసన స్కమగ్రి, భాషా ప్రయోగశాల, గ్రంథాలయాలు – పఠ్నాలయాలు పరామరశ గ్రంథాలు 6. మూలాాంకనం – నిరంతర సమగ్ర మూలాాంకనం – పరీక్షలు, మద్ధంపు
Methodology - Hindi
I. 1. भाषा – अर्ग और स्िरुप
2. प्रार्लमक/माध्यलमक स्तर पर हिन्दी लशक्षण के उद्देर्शय
3. भाषा की समस्या – त्रत्रभाषा – सूत्र
II 1. आदशग हिन्दी – अध्यापक के गुण
2. अच्छे लशक्षण की विशेषताएँ
3. भाषा – लशक्षण के सामान्य लसद्धािंत
4. भाषा – लशक्षण के सूत्र
5. भाषा – लशक्षण की प्रणाललयाँ
6. भाषा – लशक्षण की विचधयाँ
III 1. लशक्षण में भाषा – कौशलों का मियि
2. भाषा कौशलों का विकास
सुनना: ध्िनन की उयपवत्त, ध्िनन – श्रिण और पारस्पररक सिंबिंध
बोलना: शब्दोच्चारण, िाकयिंत्र, शुध्दोचारण का अभ्यास, मौणखक अलभव्यत्क्त, पाठशाला में िातागलाप का अभ्यास
पढ़ना: विशेषताएँ, िाचन के प्रकार, िाचन सिंबिंधी दोष और उपचार
ललखना: मियि, ननयम, विचधयाँ, प्रकार, अक्षर विन्यास
3. भाषा – कौशलों का समन्िय
IV 1. लशक्षण उद्देर्शयों का िगीकरण
2. न्यूनतम अचधगम स्तर
3. पाठ – योजना (गद्य, पद्य, व्याकरण, रचना, पत्र – लेखन)
4. इकाई - योजना
5. लशक्षण – उपकरण
V 1. पाठ्यक्रम
2. पाठ्य - पुस्तक
3. पुस्तकालय
4. भाषा सिगामी क्रक्रयाएँ
VI 1. मूलयािंकन की धारणा
2. उत्तम परीक्षा की विशेषताएँ
3. उपलत्ब्ध परीक्षा
4. ननरिंतर समग्र मूलयािंकन
5. उद्देर्शय आधाररत मूलयािंकन
6. उपचारायमक और ननदानायमक लशक्षण
Methodology - Kannada
1. ಭರಷೆ - ವರಯಖ್ರಯನಗಳತ, ಉತರುದನರ ವರದಗಳತ, ಭರಷರ ಕತಟತಂಬಗಳತ
2. ಮರತ್ೃಭರಷೆ - ಬೂೀಧನರ ಉದ್ದೀಶಗಳತ - ಸುರ್ಷ್ೀಕರಣಗಳತ, ಕನಿಷ್ಟಠ ಕಲಿಕೆಯ ಮಟ್ಗಳತ (M.L.Ls) ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ಗತಣಮಟ್ಗಳತ ಕನೆಡ ದ್ಧವತಿೀಯ ಭರಷೆಯರಗಿ - ತಿಾಭರಷರ ತ್ತ್ವ
3. ಭರಷರ ಕೌಶಲಯಗಳತ, ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಕಾಮಗಳತ, ಅಡೆತ್ಡೆಗಳತ ಸಂಪ್ಕಿ: ವಿಶೀಷ್ಟ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರತವ ಮಕಕಳ ಭರಷರ ಬಳವಣಿಗೆ
4. ಮರತ್ೃಭರಷೆ: ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ ಯೀಜನ್ನ, ವಿಷ್ಟಯ ಯೀಜನ್ನ, ಪ್ಠ್ಯ ಪ್ುಸುಕಗಳ ರಚನ್ನ ವಷ್ಟಿ ಯೀಜನ್ನ, ರ್ಟಕ ಯೀಜನ್ನ, ಅವಧಿ ಯೀಜನ್ನ
5. ಬೂೀಧನರ ಸರಮಗಿಾಗಳತ, ಭರಷರ ಪ್ಾಯೀಗರಲಯ, ಗಾಂಥರಲಯಗಳತ - ತ್ರಗತಿಯ ಉಲಲೀಖ ಪ್ುಸುಕಗಳತ
6. ಮೌಲಯಮರಪ್ನ - ನಿರಂತ್ರ ಸಮಗಾ ಮೌಲಯಮರಪ್ನ - ಪ್ರಿೀಕ್ಷೆಗಳತ, ಮೌಲಯಮರಪ್ನ
Methodology – Marati
1. भाषा – व्याख्या, उत्पादन युक्तिवाद, भाषा कु टुुंबे
2. मातृभाषा – अध्यापनाची उद्दिष्टे – स्पष्टीकरण, द्दकमान क्तिक्षण स्तर (M.L.Ls) िैक्षक्तणक मानके दुसरी भाषा म्हणून मराठी – क्तिभाक्तषक तत्त्व
3. भाषा कौिल्ये – क्तवकासातील अडथळे, सुंपादनातील अडथळे, मोजमाप कनेक्िन: क्तविेष गरजा असलेल्या मुलाुंचा भाषा क्तवकास
4. मातृभाषा: क्तिक्षण योजना, क्तवषय योजना, पाठ्यपुस्तकाुंची रचना वषष योजना, एकक योजना, कालावधी योजना
5. क्तिक्षण साक्तहत्य, भाषा प्रयोगिाळा, ग्रुंथालय – वगषखोल्या सुंदभष पुस्तके
6. मूल्याुंकन – सतत सवषसमावेिक मूल्याुंकन – चाचण्या, मूल्याुंकन
Methodology - Tamil
Methodology – Bengali
1. ভাষা - সংা, উত্পাদন যু , ভাষা পিরবার -ভাষার প – ভাষার কৃ িত
2. মাতৃভাষা – ভাষা কৗশেলর িবকাশ - িশার িনেদশমূলক ল - করণ, নূনতম িশার র (M.L.Ls) িশাগত যাগতার (Academic ) মান বাংলা িতীয় ভাষা িহসােব - ভািষক নীিত
3. ভাষা দতা –অজে নর বাধা, বাংলা িশন িবিধ, ভাষা িবকােশর য়া এবং তােদর আঃসক:িবেশষ চািহদা স িশেদর ভাষা িবকাশ
4. মাতৃভাষা: িশার পিরকনা, িবষয় পিরকনা, পাঠম কাঠােমা বছেরর পিরকনা, ইউিনট পিরকনা, সময়কাল পিরকনা
5. িশণ ও শখার উপকরণ, ভাষা পরীাগার, পুকালয় - পড়ার ক , পাঠপুক, ভাষার দৃেত উপেযাগী সহগামী য়া
6. মূলায়ন – মাগত বাপক মূলায়ন – পরীা, মলূ ায়ন – উপলি
Methodology - English
1. Aspects of English:- (a) English language – History, Nature, Importance, Principles of English as Second Language (b) Problems of Teaching / Learning English.
2. Objectives of Teaching English.
3. Multilingualism
4. Phonetics
5. Development of Language skills: - (a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing (LSRW) (b) Communicative skills.
6. Approaches, Methods and Techniques of Teaching English, Remedial Teaching. 7. Teaching of Structures and Vocabulary items.
8. Teaching Learning Materials in English
9. Curriculum & Textbooks
10. Academic Standards/ Learning outcomes: competencies and discourses- features of discourses
11. Lesson Planning
12. Continuous Professional Development
13. Using ICT in Teaching English language.
14. Evaluation in English Language, Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), tools and techniques for evaluation, types of tests and features of a good test
Methodology – Mathematics
1. Nature and History of Mathematics: Meaning and Definition – Nature of Mathematics - Aspects of Mathematics: Concepts, Processes, Symbols and Language - Mathematical thinking and Reasoning – Validation Processes - Truth Criteria - Use of Mathematics in daily life - Correlation with other subjects/ disciplines – Contributions of Indians, Greeks, Egyptians; Pythagoras, Euclid, Baudhayana, Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Bhaskaracharya
ll, Ferma, Srinivasa Ramanujan
2. How children learn mathematics: Pre Mathematical Concepts in Child before coming to the School – Psychological implications of learning mathematics - Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky – Cognitive development of Child at Primary and Upper Primary Stages – Concept formation and development – Concept Ladder - Gradation of Content from Primary to Upper Primary stage – Readiness programmes - Evolving strategies for identification of Individual differences, Learning difficulties and Catering their needs through Differential Activities – ELPS
3. Aims and Objectives of teaching Mathematics: Aims of Teaching Mathematics - Imbibing the Values through Mathematics Teaching - Objectives of teaching Mathematics at Primary and Upper Primary Level - Blooms Taxonomy - Anderson and Krathwohl's Taxonomy - Teaching Objectives and Specifications - Learning Outcomes/ Indicators in Mathematics and Academic Standards
4. Approaches, Strategies, Methods and Techniques of Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Natural Learning Experiences – Constructivist Approach – Collaborative Learning Approach (CLA) and Role of Teacher - Approaches and strategies for concept formation – Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Activity Based, Inductive and Deductive; Analytic and Synthetic, Heuristic, Laboratory, Project, Problem Solving - 5 E Learning Model – Multi Level and Multi Grade Teaching – Process of Mathematisation
5. Instructional material and Resources in Mathematics: Learning Resources from Immediate Environment and various sources including digital - Mathematics Kits - Mathematics club - Mathematics Lab – Mathematics Library - Mathematics Corner – Resource Centre - Mathematics Modelling
6. Planning for Teaching Learning Mathematics: Professional preparation of the Teacher – Mapping and mobilisation of Resources for planning – Annual/ Year Plan - Elements of Unit Plan, Lesson Plan /Period plan - Steps in the Lesson Plan /Period plan – Herbartian Steps – SCERT Model – Classroom Observation
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Mathematics: Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation - Types of Evaluation: Prognostic, Diagnostic, Formative, Summative - Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) – Assessment for Learning - Assessment of Learning – Tools of Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment – Designing and Administration of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) - Weightage Tables and Blueprint – Types of Test Items: Essay, Short Answer, Very Short Answer,
Objective types - Principles of Valuation – Analysis of Achievement Test - Characteristics of good Test - Recording and Reporting – Measures of Students' Achievement – Marks - Grading System – CCE/Cumulative Record – Journal writing – Assessment Framework, Purpose of Assessment, Learning Indicators (LI) - Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching
8. The Mathematics Teacher: Characteristics, Role, Professional Development, Vision, Action Research
9. Curriculum and Text Book: Recommendations of NCF-2005 and APSCF-2011 on Mathematics Curriculum - Recommendations of NCF-2023 on Mathematics Education - Mathematics Curriculum Development and Organisation - Principles and Approaches – Logical and Psychological, Topical, Concentric, Spiral approaches – Review of Mathematics Text Book – Transaction of Text Book – Classroom Environment and Teaching Learning Process
Methodology – Science
1. Understanding of Science
∙ Meaning and scope of Science; Importance of Science at primary education level. ∙ Understanding of concepts selected from Science and Social studies. ∙ Characteristics of Scientists
∙ Scientific Method
∙ Values of Science
∙ Science – National Curriculum Framework – objectives, principles of teaching – 2005
∙ National Policy on Education (NPE) – 1986; Ten National Core elements. 2. Understanding Children’s Ideas
∙ Knowledge 5-12 year age group children have
∙ How children acquire this knowledge?
∙ Development of concepts of Science through Piaget’s cognitive developmental stages
3. Teaching of Science/Classroom Transactions
∙ Activity Based approach
∙ Process Approach
∙ Using children’s ideas as a source for learning
∙ Role of the teacher in classroom transaction
∙ Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom
4. Understanding Textbooks and Pedagogy
∙ Philosophy and guiding principles for the development of Science text books ∙ Content, Approaches and Methods of teaching Science
∙ Interactive and participatory methods
∙ Themes and structures of a unit
∙ Academic Standards and Learning Indicators
∙ Learning Resources of effective transaction of Science Curriculum 5. Teaching and Learning Science
∙ Addressing children’s alternative concepts
∙ Concept Map
∙ Resource pool of science material and popular science
∙ Locally available materials
∙ Audio-Visual and Electronic material
∙ Primary Science kit
∙ Library
∙ Peer group learning – using children’s ideas
∙ Science Museum
∙ Science Laboratory
6. Assessment and Evaluation
∙ Assessment and Evaluation – definition, need and importance
∙ Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation context
∙ Assessment of Process skills
∙ Rubrics
∙ Teaching Readiness and planning of teaching Science
Methodology – Social Studies
1. Concept, nature, scope and significance of Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies) and its historical development, EVS an Integrated subject
2. Values, aims, and objectives of teaching EVS, Academic standards / Learning outcomes of teaching EVS.
3. Development of EVS Curriculum and Textbooks, its Classroom transaction 4. Planning for effective instruction in EVS, different plans and designing learning experiences, multi grade/class teaching, Teacher qualities, roles and responsibilities in view of development of innate abilities among children.
5. Learning environment and resources, TLM, ICT applications
6. Concept of evaluation, types of evaluation, CCE, Action Research
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