Duration: 3 Hours
Syllabus of Written Test for Recruitment of Secondary Grade Teacher
Part – 1
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – 2
General English
i) School Level English Grammar:
Articles; Tense; Noun & Pronouns; Adjectives; Adverbs; Verbs; Modals; Subject-Verb Agreement; Non-Finites; reported speech; Degrees of Comparison; Active and Passive Voice; Prepositions; Conjunctions; Conditionals.
ii) Vocabulary:
Synonyms and Antonyms; Phrasal Verbs; Related Pair of Words; Idioms and Phrases; Proverbs.
iii) Words and Sentences :
Use of Words ; Choosing Appropriate words and Words often Confused; Sentence Arrangement, Completion, Fillers and Improvement; Transformation of Sentences ; Comprehension; Punctuation; Spelling Test; Spotting of Errors.
Part 3
I. PRINCILES,PHILOSOPHY & HISTORY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION i. Meaning and Definition of Education and Physical Education, Aim and Objectives of Physical Education, Role of Physical Education in General Education.
ii. Historical Development of physical education in India: Pre and post Independent India in world (Greece, Germany).
iii. Policies, Schemes, Awards: Bharata Ratna, Padmasri, Padmabhushan, Padmavibhushan, Arjuna, Dronacharya, Rajiv Khel Ratna, Ekalvya, Jhansi Laxmibhai, Abhimanyu,. Trophies/Cups in Physical Education and Sports at State/National Level.
iv. Institutes bodies for Physical Education and Sports in India (YMCA, LNUPE, SAI, NSNIS, IOA, AIU, SGFI, CABPE, PYKKA, RGKA, SAAP, Physical Education & Sports Universities.
v. Physical Education in relation to Humanities (Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics).
Physical Education in relation to Science Disciplines: Anatomy, Physiology, Anthropometry, Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Nutrition. Heredity Traits, Unsynchronized development, Growth and Development at various levels - pre adolescence, adolescence, adulthood, Differences in boys and girls, Classification of body types : Kretchmer’s and Sheldon classification.
vi. Recreation: Meaning and Importance of Recreation in physical education, Principles- qualities and qualifications of recreation leaders, worthy use of leisure time activities.
vii. Organisation of recreational activities, individual and home agencies, government agencies, voluntary agencies, private agencies and commercial agencies: PICNIC, Inculcation of Human Values, Ethical values, Spiritual values through Social values Sports.
II. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION i. Meaning, importance and principles of administration and organization; Factors influencing on good administration; Types of good Administration; Qualifications and qualities of good administration. Organisational setup at different levels: Schools, Colleges, Universities, Mandal, District, State & National.
ii. Facilities and standards of Physical Education: Play fields, (Different play areas) Gymnasium, Swimming pool. Purchase & Care of sports equipments, Maintenance of Stock, Maintenance of records and Registers, Cash register, Tapal register, Stock Issue register, Attendance Register, Physical Fitness records, Health records and achievement records. Process of Verification, Write-off and Condemnation of Stock.
iii. Tournaments: Meaning of tournament and types of tournaments – Knock-out (Elimination), League (Round Robin), Knock-out cum league, League cum knock-out, Double league, Double knockout, Challenge. Method of drawing Fixtures: Seeding, Special Seeding. Rotation Method, Stair case method. Intramural and Extramural and their importance, Sports Day/ Play Day.
iv. Time tables – Meaning and maintenance of Time table, factors influencing time table. Types of Physical Education periods. Budget: Meaning and importance of Budget, Budget income, expenditure and rules regarding expenditure, Preparation and Administration of Budget.
v. Test and Measurement: Meaning and definition of Test, Measurement and evaluation, Importance of Test, Measurement and Evaluation in the field of physical education and sports. Criteria of good test-Classification of tests Administration of test-Anthropometric Measurements.
vi. Tests for different variables Speed – 50metre dash, Maximum speed -30metres dash with flying start, cardio vascular endurance – Cooper’s 12 minutes run - walk test, Muscular endurance – Bent knee sit-ups – Explosive power – Standing Broad jump.
III. PSYCHOLOGY,MATERIALS & METHODS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION i. Introduction-Meaning Definition and Nature of Psychology, Child Psychology, Educational Psychology and Sports Psychology. Importance of Sports Psychology. Motivation – Definition, Importance and types of motivation ii. Stages of Growth and Development of Children - Physical, mental, social and communication skill development, psycho-motor learning at different stages. Play theories.
iii. Sociology and Sports Sociology; Culture and Sports, Socialization and Sports, Gender and Sports. Social Mobility – Sports Professionalization – Role of social factors on sports performance.
iv. Methods: Meaning, Definition, Importance and Factors Influencing on Methods of teaching. Principles of Presentation Technique and Class Management in physical education. Commands, Class Formation, Teaching aids: Audio visuals.
v. Methods of classification of students: Mccloy method, YMCA method. Method of teaching: Command Method, Lecture Method, Demonstration Method,
Discussion Method, Part Method, Whole Method, Part-Whole Methods, Whole part whole method and their application in minor, major, rhythmic calisthenics and Gymnastics.
vi. Lesson Plan – Concept of lesson plan, Principles, importance of lesson plan. Preparation of Lesson Plan in Physical Education – Steps in lesson plan. vii. Learning - meaning and definition, Theories of Learning - Trial and Error Theory, Conditioned Response Theory, Insightful Learning, Laws of Learning: Law of Readiness, Law of Use and Disuse, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Frequency, Types of Learning - Primary, associate, concomitant, Transfer of Learning, Learning Curve.
viii. IT in Physical Education- Introduction to Computer System: definition, Characteristics, Principles parts of computer and their functions. Generations, Input and Output Devices, Operating Systems, Memory (RAM, ROM) WINDOWS-MS OFFICE-MS Word, MS-Excel-MS Power Point. Computer Application in Physical Education.
i. Meaning and Definition and importance of Anatomy and physiology. Cell: Definition and importance, structure and functions of cell.
ii. Skeletal System: Bones, in Axial and Appendicular skeleton, structure, functions and types of bones – types of joints – structural and functional classification, movements around joints, effects of exercise on skeletal system. Muscular System: Structural and functional classification of muscles, characteristics of muscles, fatigue and performance, palpated muscles around shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joint, Effects of Exercise on muscular system
iii. Digestive system: Structure of digestive system, process of digestion, effects of exercise on digestive system Respiratory system: Structure of human respiratory system, mechanism of respiration, oxygen debt and second wind, effects of exercise on respiratory system Circulatory System: Composition and functions of blood, structure and functions of human heart, effects of exercise on circulatory system. Excretory system: Structure and functions of skin and kidneys, effects of exercise on excretory system. Nervous system: Structure and functions of human brain and spinal cord
i. Health Education: Meaning, Definition, Dimensions and Importance of Health; Principles of Health Education. Factors influencing health – Heridity, Environment and Health Habits. Coordinated school health programme – Health services, Health instruction, Health records and Health supervision.
ii. Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, Hygiene – Personal, Environmental, Occupational Health, Cleanliness and awareness through educational activities.
iii. Environmental Studies - Meaning, natural and manmade Hazards. Environmental pollution – Meaning, Definition, prevention and control of Air, Water, Soil and Sound Pollution. Natural Calamities – Cyclone, Tsunami, Earthquake – Their prevention and safety measures. WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO and other agencies.
iv. YOGA: Meaning, Definition, Importance of Yoga. Streams of Yoga: Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bakti Yoga, Hatha yoga and their values; Development of Yoga in India.
v. Effects of yogasanas on various systems of the body, Types and importance of asanas. Suryanamaskara of 12 stages.Ashtanga yoga-Bandhas-Mudras. vi. Adapted physical education- Corrective Exercises- Good Posture-Postural deformities-corrective exercise-physically challenged-mentally challenged visually challenged-co curricular activities for disabled.
vii. Sports Nutrition, Concept of Nutrition, Balanced Diet. Obesity - Causes and Prevention; Weight Management -Malnutrition
viii. Naturopathy - Meaning, Definition and Principles of Naturopathy Methods - Fasting, Mud Therapy and Hydrotherapy. Application of naturopathy techniques of various diseases.
ix. Meaning and Causes of Sports Injuries: Principles of prevention of sports injuries. Common Sports Injuries, symptoms and their treatment, Ligament sprain – Muscle strain – Tennis elbow- Golfer’s elbow, lower back strain – Dislocation – Fractures, Runners knee – Shin pain – Blisters – contusion, Abrasion, Laceration, Haematoma, contusion.
x. Definition of First-Aid, DRABC formula (Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing & Circulation), Artificial respiration techniques –First Aid for Haemorrhage, Fracture, Sprain and Strain, Drowning, Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion; Concept of PRICE.
xi. Rehabilitation - Meaning, Objectives and importance of Rehabilitation; Rehabilitation Modalities - Cold, Heat, Water, Radiation.
VI. OFFICIATING AND COACHING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION i. Officiating, Meaning, importance and principles of officiating. Qualities and qualifications of good official, Duties of Officials. (Hockey, Football, Handball, Volleyball, Basketball, Table tennis, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Throwball, Tennis, Badminton, Ball Badminton, Cricket, Softball and Tennikoit), System of officiating in games.
ii. Rules of various games, Layout of courts and fields of games. Track and field layout of track and field and its rules. Officiating system in Track & field. iii. Coaching definition, principles and physiology of coaching, qualities and qualification and responsibilities of a good coach.
iv. Coaching camps, Skill, Technique, Tactics and strategies, System of playing games, selection of team, Teaching, coaching and training.
v. Sports Training: Meaning, Definition, Importance, Characteristics and Principles of Sports Training. Detraining and Retraining. Training Load and Adaptation Process; Overload - Causes, Symptoms and Preventive Measures, recovery and its benefits.
vi. Training methods : Continuous training, Interval training, Repetition training, fartlek training, resistance training, circuit training, plyometric training vii. Types & Methods of Flexibility, Strength, Endurance, Speed and Coordinative Abilities. Methods of developing Fitness Components - Flexibility, Strength, Endurance, Speed and Coordinative Abilities, Talent Identification and nurturing of talent.
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