Thursday, February 22, 2024

TSPSC GROUP 1 NOTIFICATION 02/2024 (19.02.2024)





1.1. Applications are invited Online from qualified applicants through the proforma  Application to be made available on Commission’s website  ( to the posts of Group-I Services in the State of  Telangana. 

1.2. Chronology of Events 

Date of Submission of Online  Applications 

From: 23/02/2024 To:14/03/2024

Last Date & Time for receipt of  Online Applications 

14/03/2024 at 5:00 PM

Application Edit Option 

From: 23/03/2024 at 10:00 A.M. To: 27/03/2024 at 5:00 P.M.

Downloading of Hall Tickets

From 7 days prior to the  Examination and up to 4 hours  before the commencement of  Examination.

Schedule of Preliminary Test  (Objective Type) 

May/June 2024

Schedule of Main Examination  (Conventional Type) 

September/October 2024.

1.3. i) Submission of ONLINE Applications is mandatory for all candidates. 

ii) Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications  much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the  possibility of disconnection / inability or failure to login to the TSPSC website  on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days. 

1.4. The applicant who desires to apply for the posts of Group-I Services shall login to  the Commission’s website, with his/her registered OTR number. In case, the  candidate is applying for the first time to the posts notified by TSPSC he/she shall  register his/her bio-data particulars through One Time Registration (OTR) on the  Commission’s website Once applicant registers his/her particulars, a user-ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and 



i) One Time Registration (OTR) is not considered as an application for any post under any circumstances. 

ii) The candidates need to submit ONLINE Applications for this  Notification specifically.  

iii) The applicants are advised to retain their mobile number and email-ID registered in OTR for receiving OTP/SMS for further communication. 

1.5. Those Candidates who have applied earlier for Group-I Services vide Notification  No. 04/2022 Dt. 26/04/2022 (now cancelled) NEED TO LOGIN and RE-APPLY for  this Notification AFRESH. Otherwise their candidature will not be considered for  this Notification. Further, they need not pay any fee again, as they have already  paid previously. 

1.6. The Preliminary Test (Objective type) will be held in OMR Based offline mode /  Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) mode. The Commission reserves the  right to conduct the Preliminary Test either in OMR based Offline mode or in CBRT 


1.7. The Commission will normalize the scores of candidates for the Computer Based  Tests which are conducted in Multi-sessions to take into account of any variation in  the question papers across different sessions. The criteria of Normalization is given  in Annexure-VII. 

1.8. Main Examination would be in Descriptive type. The Commission reserves the right  to conduct the Main Examination either through Digital mode of question paper  display or Conventional hard copy based question paper. 

1.9. The Commission may evaluate the answer scripts of the Main examination on  Digital / Online mode in addition to or instead of conventional evaluation

1.10. Option of Medium for writing the Preliminary Test (Objective type) and Main  Examination (Conventional Type) will be taken from the candidates in the  Application form itself. 

1.11. The applicant is required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep himself/herself updated until completion of the recruitment process. The information  communicated through Commission’s website is final for all correspondence. No  individual correspondence by any means will be entertained under any circumstances. 

1.12. Eligible candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves as per the terms  and conditions of this recruitment Notification. Any application sent through any mode other than the prescribed online mode will not be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is construed as he  /she has read the Notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under. 

1.13. The Preliminary Test (Objective Type) will be held during May/June-2024. The  exact schedule of Preliminary Test will be notified separately in due course

1.14. The Main Examination (Conventional Type) will be held during  September/October-2024. The exact schedule of Main Examination will be  notified after declaration of Results of Preliminary Test. 

1.15. The details of vacancies are as follows:-


code  No.

Name of the Post 

No. of  


Age as on  01/07/2024 Min. Max.

Scale of  




Deputy Collector [Civil Services,  (Executive Branch)] 






Deputy Superintendent of Police  Category - II (Police Service) 






Commercial Tax Officer (Commercial  Tax Services) 



58,850 – 



Regional Transport Officer (Transport  Service) 






District Panchayat Officer (Panchayat  Services) 






District Registrar (Registration  Services) 






Deputy Superintendent of Jails (Men)  (Jails Service) 



54,220 – 



Assistant Commissioner of Labour  (Labour Service) 



54,220 – 



Assistant Excise Superintendent  (Excise Service) 



51,320 – 



Municipal Commissioner – Grade-II  (Municipal Administrative Service) 



51,320 – 



District Social Welfare Officer / District  Scheduled Caste Development Officer (Social Welfare Service)







District Backward Classes Welfare  Officer including Assistant Director  (District Backward Classes  Development Officer) (Backward  Classes Welfare Service)






District Tribal Welfare Officer (Tribal  Welfare Service). 






District Employment Officer  (Employment Service) 






Administrative Officer including Lay  Secretary & Treasurer Grade II  (Medical & Health Services)






Assistant Treasury Officer / Assistant  Accounts Officer / Assistant Lecturer in  the Training College and School  (Treasuries and Accounts Service) 






Assistant Audit Officer (State Audit  Service) 






Mandal Parishad Development Officer  (Panchayat Raj & Rural Development  Service)







The vacancies will be filled up as per the reservations applicable under Rule-22  and 22(A) of T.S. State & Subordinate Service Rules and Special Rules relating to the  posts. 


i) The carried forward vacancies are brought forward from previous recruitments. Selection/Appointment to such vacancies will be made first before the fresh vacancies, read with G.O. Ms. No. 277, GA (SC & ST Cell.B)  Dept., dated: 22/03/1976. Unfilled / Non-Joining vacancies of this  recruitment shall be carried forward to the next recruitment as per G.O. Ms.  No.23, Backward Class Welfare (P2) Dept., dated:18/03/1996,  G.O.Ms.No.81,G.A.(Ser-A)Dept.,Dt.22/02/1997 and G.O. Ms. No. 544 General  Administration (Ser.A) Department, Dated 04/12/1998

ii) The details of vacancies viz., Community wise, Multi-Zone wise may be seen at Annexure-I. 

iii) The number of vacancies and Departments are subject to variation on  intimation being received from the Department concerned. Addition of  vacancies if any will be accepted only before the date of Preliminary Test  and an addendum to that effect will be issued. Deletion of vacancies if any,  can be effected up to the declaration of final selection.  


i. He/She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or  infirmity rendering him/her unfit for such service

ii. His/Her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him / her for such  service

iii. He/She possesses the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the  post; and 

iv. He/She is a citizen of India


3.1 The candidate should possess the prescribed academic qualification as on the  date of Notification i.e.,19/02/2024. In respect of educational qualifications claiming 

equivalence for prescribed Educational Qualifications, the orders issued by the  competent authority only will be considered

3.2 It shall be noted that the result of requisite educational qualification must have  been declared by the concerned University as on the date of Notification. Conduct  of the Examination or mere processing of the result by the University by the cut-off  date does not fulfil the Educational Qualifications requirement.




Name of the Post 

Educational Qualifications as specified in  the Service Rules of the department.


Deputy Collector [Civil  

Services (Executive Branch)]

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act,  Provincial Act or a State Act or the Institutions  recognized by the University Grants  Commission or an equivalent qualification.


Deputy Superintendent of  Police Category. II (Police  Service)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act,  Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution  recognized by the University Grants  Commission or an equivalent qualification.


Commercial Tax Officer  

(Commercial Tax Services)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act or a  State Act or any other equivalent recognized  qualification.


Regional Transport Officer  (Transport Service)

Must possess a Degree in Mechanical  Engineering or Automobile Engineering or  equivalent qualification of a recognized  University in India established or incorporated  by or under a Central Act or a Provincial Act  or a State Act or Institution recognized by the  University Grants Commission (UGC).


District Panchayat Officer  (Panchayat Services)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree from any  recognized University in India or incorporated  by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a  State Act or Institution recognized by the  University Grants Commission or an  equivalent qualification.


District Registrar (Registration  Services) 

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act,  Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution  recognized by the University Grants  Commission or any other equivalent  qualification.


Deputy Superintendent of Jails  (Men) (Jails Service)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act, or  State Act or other recognized equivalent  qualifications.



Assistant Commissioner of  Labour (Labour Service)

Must possess a Degree of Bachelor of Arts,  Commerce, Science or Engineering of any  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central act or  Provincial Act or a State Act or any other  equivalent qualification granted by any  institution recognized by the University Grants  Commission. 

Preference shall be given to those who  possess in addition to the above any of the  following qualifications “A Post Graduate  Degree in Social Work with specialization in  Labour welfare and personnel Management /  Industrial Labour relations from a recognized  University or Institution.


Assistant Excise  

Superintendent (Excise  


Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any  recognized University in India established or  Incorporated by or under a Central Act,  Provincial Act or a State Act or of an  Institution recognized by the University Grants  Commission or an equivalent qualification


Municipal Commissioner – Grade-II (Municipal  

Administrative Service) 

Must Possess a Bachelor’s Degree from any  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act or a  Provincial act or a State Act or an institution  recognized by the University Grants  Commission.


District Social Welfare Officer /  District Scheduled Caste  Development Officer (Social  Welfare Service)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any  recognized University in India or an equivalent  qualification. 


District Backward Classes  welfare Officer including  

Assistant Director ((District  Backward Classes  

Development Officer)  

(Backward Classes Welfare  Service))

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act, a  State Act or a Provincial Act or an institution  recognized by the University Grants  Commission or an equivalent qualification.


District Tribal Welfare Officer  (Tribal Welfare Service).

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under provincial Act,  Central Act, State Act or an institution  recognized by the University Grants  Commission.


District Employment Officer  (Employment Service)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act or a  State Act or a Provincial Act or any other  equivalent qualification recognized by the  University Grants Commission.


Administrative Officer  

including Lay Secretary &  Treasurer Grade II (Medical &  Health Services)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any  recognized University in India established or  incorporated by or under a Central Act,  Provincial Act or a State Act or the Institutions  recognized by University Grants Commission  or an equivalent qualification.


Assistant Treasury Officer /  Assistant Accounts Officer /  Assistant Lecturer in the  Training College and School  (Treasuries and Accounts  Service) 

Must possess a Degree in Commerce OR  Economics OR Mathematics recognized by  the recognized University Grants Commission  with at least a Second class in the subject.


Assistant Audit Officer (State  Audit Service)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a  recognized University in India established or  Incorporated by or under a Central Act or a  State Act or any other equivalent qualification.


Mandal Parishad Development  Officer (Panchayat Raj & Rural  Development Service)

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree from any  recognized University in India or incorporated  by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a  State Act or Institution recognized by the  University Grants Commission or an  equivalent qualification.

3.3 N.B:- Distance Education:-The Applicants who have obtained requisite Degrees  through Open Universities / Distance Education mode are required to have  recognition by the University Grants Commission / AICTE / Distance Education  Bureau as the case may be. Unless such Degrees have been recognised by the  relevant Statutory Authority, they will not be accepted for purpose of Educational  Qualification vide its Public Notice No. F.27-1/2012 (CPP-II), Dt. 27/06/2013. (A  university established or incorporated by or under a State act shall operate  only within the territorial jurisdiction allotted to it under its Act and in no  case beyond the territory of the State of its location). The onus of proof of  recognition by the relevant Statutory Authority that their Degrees / Universities  have been recognised rests with the candidate. 

3.4 Equivalent Qualification: If the applicant possesses an equivalence of  qualification other than prescribed qualification in the Commission’s Notification,  applicant should produce a copy of the Orders of Equivalence issued by the  competent authority. If such evidence is not provided, the candidature of the  applicant will not be considered. In case of equivalence in subject related matters,  an Expert Committee will be constituted including the Unit Officer by the  Commission and the Commission will take a decision based on the report of the  Expert Committee. 

3.5 G.O. Ms. No: 282, General Administration (Ser-A) department, dated 20/09/2003  on eligibility of candidates with higher qualification is applicable in relevant cases. 


For Post Code Nos. 02 & 09: Must be not less than 165 Cms. in height and must  be not less than 86.3 Cms. round the chest on full inspiration and has a chest  expansion of not less than 5 Cms. on full inspiration; and  

Candidate should satisfy a Medical Board in Hyderabad to his Physique,  Fitness and Capacity for active outdoor work and is certified by the Ophthalmic  Surgeon, Osmania or Sarojini Devi Hospital, Hyderabad that his vision confirms up to the requirements specified below without the use of contact glasses. 

Explanation:- For the purpose of this Rule a contact glass or lens is defined as a  glass shell, the concavity of which is in contact with the globs of the eye, a layer or  liquid being interposed between the lens and the cornea. The meaning of the  “glasses” wherever used below is to be interpreted as not covering contact  glasses. 

Provided that a candidate belonging to Scheduled Tribe category for  appointment by direct recruitment shall not be less than 164 Cms. in height and is  not less than 83.8 Cms. round the chest with a minimum expansion of not less  than 5 cms. on full inspiration.

Provided further that a Women candidate for appointment by direct  recruitment shall not be less than 150 cms. in height and not less than 45.5 Kgs in  weight.  

(a) The examination for determining the acuteness of vision includes two tests,  one for distant and the other for near vision. Snellen’s test types will be used  for the test for distant vision, without glasses at a distance of 6.10 metres, and  for the test for near vision, without glasses, at any distance selected by the  candidate. The standards of the minimum acuteness of vision which will be  used for guidance in the examination of a candidate are as follows: 


Right Eye 

Distant Vision V–6/6 

Near Vision-Reads 0.6

Left Eye 


Reads 0.6


Better Eye 

Distant Vision V–6/6 

Near Vision Reads 0.6

Worse Eye 

V- without glasses – Not below 6/6; and  after correction with glasses not below  6/24 

Reads 1


Better Eye 

Distant Vision- V without glasses – Not  below 6/24 and after correction with  glasses not below 6/6 

Near Vision – Reads 0.6

Worse Eye 

V- without glasses – Not below 6/24,  and after correction with glasses not  below 6/12 

Reads 0.6

(b) Each eye must have a full field of vision as tested by and movements. (c) Squint or any morbid condition of the eyes or of the lids of either eye liable to  the risk of aggravation of recurrence will cause the rejection of the candidate. (d) Each eye will be examined separately and the lids must be kept wide open  during the test. 

(e) Inability to distinguish the principal colours will not be regarded as cause for  rejection, but the fact will be noted in the proceedings and the candidate will  be informed. 

(f) The degree of acuteness of vision of all candidates for appointment will be  entered in the proceedings in the following manner: 

V.R. Reads with glasses 

V.L. Reads with glasses 

For Post Code No. 07: Must not be less than 167.6 Cms in height and 86.3 Cms  round the Chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5.0 Cms. 

Provided that in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and  Aborginal Tribes, where the reserved quota could not be fully utilized for want of  sufficient number of such candidates possessing the requisite physical standards,  the physical standards shall be as specified below:-  

Must not be less than 164.0 Cms. in height and 83.8 Cms round the Chest on  full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5.0 Cms. 

Note: Request for re-medical examination for physical requirements will not be  entertained. The report submitted by Appellate Medical Board constituted for this  recruitment at appropriate time will only be considered. 


4.1. There will be Reservations in direct recruitment in respect of Scheduled Tribes,  Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections, Persons  with Disabilities and Horizontal Reservation in respect of Women and Meritorious  Sportsperson as per Rule 22 & 22(A) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service  Rules and G.O.Ms.No.35 General Administration (SER.D) Department, Dt.  13/02/2024. 

4.2. The Rule of Reservation will be applicable in terms of General Rule 22 & 22 (A) of  Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules and as per the G.O. Ms. No. 3  Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens (Prog.I) Dt.  10/02/2024, amendment to Rule 22 and 22-A of the rules vide G.O.Ms.No.35  General Administration (SER.D) Department, Dt.13/02/2024. However, for  PC.No.07 Men only are eligible as per Departmental Special Rules. 

NOTE: The candidates belonging to SC, ST, BC, EWS & PBDs and who avail upper age relaxation will also be considered for Open Category (OC) vacancies”. 

4.3. As per Circular Memo No. 1987/A2/2022 GA(Ser.D) Department, Dt. 13/04/2022,  reservation to disabled persons is applicable for all posts, however posts with PC  No. 02, 04, 07 & 09 are exempted as per their respective Departmental Special  Rules. For P C No. 03 PH reservation is applicable to HH & OH only as per the  Departmental Special Rules. For PC. No. 10, PH reservation is restricted to VH,  HH & OH only.  

4.4. For Carry Forward PH vacancies, if eligible disabled candidates of that particular  category are not available, the same shall be filled up by the method of  interchanging as per G.O.MS. No. 96 General Administration (Ser.D) Department,  Dt. 22/07/2019. Hence, candidates of all the disabled categories can apply. 

4.5. Evaluation of various physical disabilities and procedure for certification will be as  per orders contained in G.O.Ms.No.31, WD, CW & (DW) Dept., Dt: 01/12/2009.  Physically Challenged candidates who are claiming reservations under Disability  quota must note that they will be referred to State Medical Board (Appellate Medical  Authority) after completion of certificate verification. The report of State Medical  Board is final. 

4.6. Request for re-medical-examination for assessment of disability will not be entertained under any circumstances. The report submitted by Appellate Medical  Board constituted for this recruitment at appropriate time will only be considered  and the report of State Medical Board is final. 

Note:-The Certificate formats are available on Commission’s website 

4.7. The reservation to Meritorious Sports Person is applicable as per the amendments  made to State and Subordinate Service Rules as per G.O.Ms.No.107, General  Administration (Ser.D) Dept., Dt. 27-07-2018 that is in Rule-2, for sub-Rule (20)  and in Rule-22 (i) in sub-Rule (2), for Class-D. In implementing the reservation to  Meritorious Sports Person, G.O. Ms. No.05 YAT&C(Sports) Department, Dt.  14/05/2018 will be followed. 

In the event of non-availability of eligible Meritorious Sports persons, two  percent (2%) reservation of posts for them stand lapsed. 

4.8. Reservation to BC-E group will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation before the Hon’ble Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No: 2628-2637 of 2010 in  SLP(c). No.7388-7397of 2010, dated. 25/03/2010 and orders from the Government. 

4.9. Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for BCs as per Form- VII B vide G.O. Ms.No.34 BC Welfare (OP) Department, Dt.08/10/2015 and G.O.Ms.No.20 BC Welfare (OP)Department Dt.31/10/2017 (Certificate issued in the name of candidate along  with Father/Mother name only is acceptable) obtained from Revenue Authority not  below the rank of Tahsildar working under Telangana Government. In case of  failure to produce the same on the day of verification, the Candidature will be considered against open competition, if he/she is otherwise eligible in all aspects.

4.10. Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) reservation is applicable as per G.O.Ms.No.243 & 244 GA (SER.D) Dept., Dt.24/08/2021. 

4.11. As per G.O.Ms.No.130, General Administration (Ser.D) Department, Dt. 09/11/2022, enhancing the reservations for Scheduled Tribes from 6% to 10% read with G.O.Ms.No.135, General Administration (Ser.D) Department, Dt. 23/11/2022. 

4.12. Income certificate for the Financial Year prior to the year of application issued by  Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar working under Telangana government in the name of the Candidate with total income of the family for claiming  EWS reservation. 

4.13. Community:(a) The candidates belonging to SC & ST are required to produce  Community Certificate issued by Revenue Authorities of Telangana State not  below the rank of Tahsildar who is Competent Authority in terms of G.O.Ms No. 58,  SW (J) Dept., dt: 12/5/97 read with G.O. Ms. No. 5 Scheduled Castes  Development (POA.A2) Dept., dt. 08/08/2014, G.O. Ms. No. 11 Scheduled Castes  Development (POA.A2) Dept., dt. 17/09/2014 and G.O. Ms. No. 2 Scheduled  Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., dt. 22/01/2015. As per Rule-2(29) of T.S.  State and Subordinate Service Rules. Explanation: (a) No person who professes a  religion different from Hinduism, Sikhism or Buddhism shall be deemed to be as  member of a Scheduled Caste. (b)The candidates belonging to Backward Classes  are required to produce Community Certificate (BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D & BC-E)  issued by Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar working under Telangana Government obtained through E-Seva vide G.O. Ms. No. 16 BCW (OP)  Dept., Dt. 11/03/2015. (c) Income Certificate for claiming EWS Reservation issued  by Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar working under Telangana Government vide G.O. Ms. No. 244 General Administration (Ser.D) Department,  Dt. 24/08/2021 and orders and instructions issued by the Government from time to  time.  

4.14. In the case of candidates who claim the benefit of reservation or relaxation from  upper age limit on the basis of Caste/Tribe or Community/ Category the basic  document of proof of Community/Category will be the Certificate issued by the  Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar working under Telangana  government in the case of SC/ST/EWS and Non Creamy Layer Certificate issued by  Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar working under Telangana  government in the case of Backward Classes. The list of Caste/Tribe/Community is aincorporated in Schedule-I of above Rules. The list is also appended at Annexure-III.  The candidates have to produce proof of the community claimed in their  application at all stages of selection along with the certificates relating to  Educational Qualifications and local status certificates etc. Subsequent claim of  change of community will not be entertained. 

Note:-The Applicants belonging to other States are not entitled for any kind of  reservation. 


5.1 Local Reservation (95%) is applicable to all posts notified under Multi Zone-I and  Multi Zone-II respectively is applicable as per Para-8 of G.O.Ms.No.124 General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, dated: 30/08/2018. 

5.2 Definition of Local Candidate as per Para-7 of G.O.Ms.No.124 General  Administration (SPF-MC) Department, Dated: 30.08.2018:- 

“(1) A candidate for direct recruitment to any post shall be regarded as a local  candidate in relation to a local area,- 

(a) in cases where a minimum educational qualification has been prescribed  for recruitment to the posts,- 

(i) if he has studied in an educational institution or educational institutions in  such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic  years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the  case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination; or 

(ii) where during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic 


years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the  case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he  has not studied in any educational institution, if he has resided in that  local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding  the date of commencement of the qualifying examination in which he  appeared, or as the case may be, first appeared. 

(b) In cases where no minimum educational qualifications has been prescribed  for recruitment to the post, if he has resided in that local area for a period of  not less than four years immediately preceding the date on which the post  is notified for recruitment. Explanations:-For the purpose of this paragraph,- 

(i) ‘educational institution’ means a University or any educational institution  recognized by the State Government, a University or other competent  authority; 

(ii) Relevant qualifying examination in relation to a post means,- (a) the examination, a pass in which is the minimum educational  qualification prescribed for the post; 

(b) the Seventh Class examination or an examination declared by the  State Government to be equivalent to the Seventh Class  examination;  

whichever is lower ; 

(iii) in reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate  has studied, any period of interruption of his study by reason of his  failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded; 

(iv) the question, whether any candidate for direct recruitment to any post  has resided in any local area shall be determined with reference to the  places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to  the residence of his parents or other guardian. 

(2) A candidate for direct recruitment to any post who is not regarded as a local  candidate under sub-paragraph(1)in relation to any local area shall,- (a) in cases where a minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for  recruitment to the post,- 

(i) If he has studied in educational institutions in the State for a period of not  less than seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic  year in which he appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for the  relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in  relation to,- 

(A) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of  the said period of seven years; or 

(B) Where the periods of his study in two or more local areas are equal,  such local areas where he has studied last in such equal periods; (ii) If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years  ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may  be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not  studied in the educational institutions in any local area, but has resided in  the State during the whole of the said period of seven years, be regarded  as a local candidate in relation to,- 

(A) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of  the said period of seven years; or 

(B) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are  equal, such local area where he has resided last in such equal  periods; 

(b) In cases where no minimum educational qualification has been prescribed  for recruitment to the post, if he has resided in the State for a period of not  less than seven years immediately preceding the date on which the post is  notified for recruitment, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to,- 

(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the  said period of seven years; or 

(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal  such local area where he has resided last in such equal periods. (c) In cases where Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped persons  studied in the special schools meant for them, the native place of the  parents of such Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped persons.”


3) The following are the Present Multi Zones in the Telangana State vide  G.O.Ms.No.124, G.A (SPF-MC) Dept., Dated: 30/08/2018 and amended vide  G.O.Ms. No. 128, G.A. (SPF-I) Dept., Dated: 30/06/2021 read with G.O.Rt.No.74,  Revenue (DA-CMRF) Dept.,dt:12/08/2021: 

Multi Zone-I

Asifabad-Kumrambheem, Mancherial, Peddapalli, Jayashankar-Bhupalapalli-, Mulugu Districts

Adilabad, Nirmal, Nizamabad, Jagityal Districts

Karimnagar, Sircilla-Rajanna, Siddipet, Medak, Kamareddy Districts

Kothagudem-Bhadradri, Khammam, Mahabubabad, Hanumakonda (Warangal Urban),Warangal(Warangal Rural) Districts

Multi Zone-II

Suryapet, Nalgonda, Bhongir-Yadadri, Jangaon Districts

Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, Sanga Reddy, Vikarabad Districts

Mahaboobnagar, Narayanpet, Jogulamba-Gadwal, Wanaparthi, Nagar Kurnool Districts



6.1 The candidates should possess the minimum and maximum age as prescribed for  each post at Para-I (1.15) above as on 01/07/2024. The age is reckoned as on  01/07/2024 (Rule- 12(1) (a) (v) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules). 

As per G.O.Ms.No. 30, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dt: 08/02/2024 raised the  maximum age limit from 44 years to 46 years for services other than uniform Services,  G.O.Ms.No.31 General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dt: 08/02/2024 the maximum age  limit as prescribed in the Special or Ad-hoc rules for appointment by direct recruitment  has been raised further by 'two (2) years' in addition to "five (5) years" already raised in  the ad-hoc rule issued in G.O.Ms.No.60, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dated:  20/05/2022 for categories of posts of Uniform Services in Police, Fire, Prisons, Special  Protection Force, Excise, Transport and Forest Departments. 

6.2 For PC. No. 01, 03, 05 to 08 & 10 to 18: Minimum Age (18 years): An applicant  should not be born after 01/07/2006. 

6.3 For PC. No. 02, 04 & 09 Minimum Age (21 years): An applicant should not be born  after 01/07/2003. 

6.4 For PC. No. 01, 03 to 06, 08 & 10 to 18: Maximum Age (46 years): An applicant  should not be born before 02/07/1978. 

6.5 For PC. No. 02, 07 & 09: Maximum Age (35 years): An applicant should not be born  before 02/07/1989. 

6.6 Age Relaxations: The upper age limit prescribed above is however further  relaxable in the following cases:



Category of candidates 

Relaxation of age permissible


Telangana State Government Employees 

(Employees of Corporations,  Municipalities etc. are not eligible).

Up to 5 Years based on the length of  regular service.



3 years & length of service  rendered in the armed forces.


N.C.C. (who have worked as  Instructor in N.C.C.)

3 Years & length of service  rendered in the N.C.C.



5 Years


Physically Handicapped persons 



Note: Provided that the age of the persons referred at Sl. No. 2&3 above, after  making deductions referred to in Sub Rule–12 (c) (i) & (ii) of Telangana State  and Subordinate Service Rules, shall not exceed the maximum age limit  prescribed for the post. 

i) The age relaxation for Ex-servicemen is applicable for those who have  been released from Armed forces other than by way of Dismissal or  Discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. 

ii) The age relaxation for NCC, a Person who was recruited as a whole-time  Cadet Corpse Instructor on or after the 1st January, 1963 on his discharge  from the NCC either before or after the expiry of the initial or extended  tenure of his office in NCC having served for a period of not less than six  months prior to his release from the NCC. 

N.B. However, no person shall be eligible if he/she is at superannuation age  after availing the eligible age relaxations as on 01/07/2024 



The Applicant has to go through the User Guide carefully before filling up/ submission of the online Application Form. 

7.2 Those Candidates who have applied earlier for Group-I Services vide Notification  No. 04/2022 Dt. 26/04/2022 (now cancelled) NEED TO LOGIN and RE-APPLY for  this Notification AFRESH. Otherwise their candidature will not be considered for  this Notification. Further, they need not pay any fee again, as they have already  paid previously. 

Step-I: a) Before applying, the Applicant has to visit the website ( and fill the OTR Form to obtain TSPSC ID. b) If already registered in the OTR, the applicant can directly access the  application form using TSPSC ID.  

c) The applicant is advised to update all the latest details in the OTR  before filling up the Application.  

d) The candidates while filling up the application, are advised to upload all  the required certificates. (However, original certificates have to be  produced for verification at the time of scrutiny before finalizing the  selection list).  

e) While filling the OTR/Application Form, the applicant has to ensure that  there are no mistakes in it. The Commission will not be held  responsible for the mistakes, if any, made by the applicants.  

f) The applicant is also instructed to fill his/her application form  himself/herself with utmost care instead of delegating to others. 

Step-II:- a) In order to fill the application form, the Applicant has to visit the website ( and Click on the online Application Link  provided on the website, then enter TSPSC ID and Date of Birth and  login with OTP received on the registered Mobile number to proceed  further. 

b) Applicant has to verify the details fetched from OTR database pertaining  to Name, Date of Birth, requisite Educational Qualifications, Community,  Gender, Disability, Ex-Servicemen & Sports etc., displayed on the  screen. 

c) If the details are not tallied and need to be changed, he/she should  update the details in OTR first and re-login to the application. 

d) In addition to the details obtained from OTR database, specific details of  Notification such as Examination Centre to be selected, required  qualification and declarations etc., should be filled by the applicant. 

e) Preview and Edit facility is available to make changes and then click on  SAVE & PAYMENT button for proceeding to next step of making online  payment of fee through payment gateway.  

f) Those applicants who have earlier applied for Notification. No.04/2022  Dt. 26/04/2022, (now Cancelled) and paid the fee, need not Pay the fee  again for this Notification.


Step-III:-The applicant should pay the prescribed fee as specified through any of  the four modes of payment online i.e., Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit  Card and UPI duly following the instructions appearing on the screen. 

Step-IV:-After payment of fee, the PDF application will be generated which contains  the particulars furnished by the applicant. The applicant must download a  copy of his/her submitted form (PDF). The Reference ID Number in the  PDF application form has to be quoted for future reference/ 


7.3 Applicant shall note that, the details available in OTR database at the time of  submitting the application will only be considered for the purpose of this  Notification. Hence, the candidate is advised to update / edit the details in OTR  form before submitting online application form. The Time and Date of submission  of the application will be printed on the application PDF form. Changes made by  the applicant in OTR details after submission of application form will not be  considered for the purpose of this Notification. 

7.4 The Commission is not responsible for any discrepancy in Bio-data particulars  submitted in the application form. The applicant is therefore advised to strictly  follow the instructions and User guide in his/her own interest before submitting the application. 

7.5 Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of the application form. The  eligibility of the applicant will be decided based on the particulars given in the  online application form in terms of Notification and it is validated by the software  and it will be taken as final. For eg: If an applicant fails to update the OTR  regarding his/her PH status before applying, the applicant will not be considered  for PH vacancies. Applicant should therefore be very careful, while entering the  data and uploading / submitting the application form online. 

7.6 Incomplete / incorrect application form will be rejected. The information if any  furnished by the applicant subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the  Commission under any circumstances unless specifically called for by the  Commission. Applicant should be careful in filling-up the application form and  submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny/verification of certificates,  the candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes through the final stage  of recruitment process or even at a later stage. 

7.7 Before uploading/submission of application form, the applicant should carefully  ensure his/her eligibility for this examination. No relevant column of the application  form should be left blank, otherwise application form will not be accepted. 

7.8 The Commission will not make any corrections in the application form submitted by  the applicant. 

7.9 Applicant must click on CONFIRM & SUBMIT button after filling and checking the  preview of the application thoroughly. Otherwise the application particulars will not  be saved in the database. 

7.10 Handwritten / Typed / Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form will not  be accepted. The Commission will not be held responsible for the applications  submitted in any other mode. 

7.11 For any Technical problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall Tickets please contact 040-23542185 or 040-23542187, Off: 040-22445566 or  040-24746887 (Call Time: 10.30 A.M to1.00P.M & 1.30 P.M to 5.00 P.M on  working days) or mail to

7.12 No correspondence will be entertained to accept application / extend the date after  closing the date of submission of application. 


8.1 Application Processing Fee:- Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two  Hundred Only) towards Online Application Processing Fee. 


8.2 Examination Fee:- Each applicant has to pay 120/- (Rupees One Hundred and  Twenty Only) towardsExamination Fee, subject to following: 

a) All unemployed candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee, and 

b) All Employees of any Government (Central / State / PSUs / Corporations / Other Government Sector) shall pay the prescribed examination fee. 

Note: Those applicants who have earlier applied for Notification. No.04/2022 Dt.  26/04/2022, (now Cancelled) and paid the fee, need not Pay either of the  fees again for this Notification. 

8.3 Mode of Payment of Fee: The Fee mentioned at Para-8 (8.1&8.2) is to be paid  online through payment gateway duly following online instructions once the  application form details are submitted. 

The fee once remitted, shall not be refunded or adjusted under any  circumstances. Failure to pay the Application Processing fee and Examination fee,  wherever applicable, will entail total rejection of application. Unless full payment of  both Examination fee (unless exempted) and Application fee is made, the  candidature of the applicant will not be considered and no correspondence or  concession in this regard will be entertained. 

PARA- 9: SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: The Scheme of examination for Preliminary Test  and Main Examination is prescribed as per G.O. Ms. No. 55 General Administration  (Ser.A) Department, Dt.25/04/2022 and as amended vide G.O. Ms. No. 29 General  Administration (Ser.A) Department, Dt. 08/02/2024. The Syllabus for the examination  has been shown in ANNEXURE-II 


10.1 Preliminary Test if conducted in the OMR based offline mode, will be held in all  the following District centres. 





































10) Karimnagar 


Sanga Reddy

11) Sircilla-Rajanna 



12) Siddipet 



13) Medak 



14) Kamareddy 



15) Bhadradri-Kothagudem 



16) Khammam 



17) Mahabubabad

10.2 Applicants have to choose any Ten (10) District Centers in order of preference for Preliminary Test in OMR based Mode. District Centres once chosen shall be  final. The Commission however reserves the right to allot applicants to any District  Centre other than the District Centre chosen by the applicant or to remove / create  a new Centre for administrative reasons. Request for change of the District Centre  will not be entertained. 

10.3 If the Preliminary Test (Objective Type) is conducted in COMPUTER BASED  RECRUITMENT TEST (CBRT Mode), Preliminary Test will be held in erstwhile 10  districts. Applicants have to choose order of preference of District Centers from  the following erstwhile Districts for Preliminary Test. District Centres once  chosen shall be final.





Ranga Reddy

2) Karimnagar 7) 


3) Warangal 



4) Khammam 



5) Hyderabad 10) 


10.4 Candidates have to select District Centres in both the Modes of Examination. 

10.5 The Written Examination (Main) will be held at HYDERABAD (including HMDA Jurisdiction) or any other District Centres as decided by the Commission. 

Note:- However, the Commission reserves the right either to increase or decrease the  number of Centres. 


11.1 The question paper is set in English and translated in to Telugu/Urdu language. English  version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation purpose. 11.2 Invalidation of OMR Answer Sheet: 

a. If any applicant fails to bubble or wrongly bubbles the Question Booklet  Series / Number, Hall Ticket Number on the OMR Answer Sheet, such  Answer sheets are invariably invalidated as the answer sheets are valued by Optical Mark Reader. This stipulation is to avoid any sort of human  interface in evaluation of the Scripts. 

b. Tampering of OMR answer sheet by using whitener, eraser, blade and chalk powder etc., and also tampering of barcode by any means leads to invalidation. 

c. No request for reconsideration of such rejected/invalidated cases will be entertained. 

11.3 The Commission publishes the key on its website after conduct of the  Preliminary Test. Any objections with regard to the questions / Key shall be filed  within the stipulated period through the link provided in the TSPSC website, after  publication of the key. The objections received physically in the form of  representations or through emails are not entertained in any circumstances. Any  objection(s) received after the last date for receipt of objections on key would not  be entertained. 

11.4 The objections received in the prescribed proforma within due date will be  referred to Expert Committee for opinion to take appropriate decision thereon by  the Commission. Final key will be hosted as per decision of the Commission. 

11.5 The marks for the deleted questions, if any, will be awarded to each candidate proportionately and the marks would be considered up to 3 (three) decimal figures, to determine the merit of the candidate. 

11.6 Objections on final key will not be entertained. The decision of the expert  committee is final. 

11.7 Answer key for Preliminary Test would be published on the website after  completion of Examination. The Images of OMR Sheets will be hosted on the  Commission’s website for reference. Candidates by  entering the required Login credentials can download the Images of OMR Sheets.  Candidates are advised to retain their Images of OMR Sheets for future purpose  until completion of the recruitment process. Duplicate Images of OMR Sheets will  not be issued under any circumstances. 


12.1 Procedure of selection will be as per G.O. Ms. No. 55 General Administration  (Ser.A) Department, Dt.25/04/2022 and as amended vide G.O. Ms. No. 29 General  Administration (Ser.A) Department, Dt. 08/02/2024. 

(A) There will be a Preliminary Test (Objective type) comprising General Studies  and Mental Ability. This Test is meant for short listing the number of 


candidates to be admitted to the Written (Main) Examination. The Preliminary  Test will be conducted in English, Telugu & Urdu. 

(B) The number of candidates to be admitted to the Written (Main) Examination  (Conventional Type) would be Fifty (50) times to the total number of vacancies  available in each Multi-Zone.  

Provided that, in case of any shortfall in respect of candidates in reserved  categories as laid down in Rules 22 and 22 (A) of Telangana State and  Subordinate Service Rules-1996, action shall be taken to include such number  of candidates from the merit list beyond 1:50 ratio as required to meet the  shortfall in the respective categories. 

(C) The Main Examination will be conducted in English, Telugu & Urdu. The  papers, except General English, in the Main Examinations shall be answered  in English or Telugu or Urdu only as chosen by the candidates. A candidate is  not permitted to write part of the paper in English and Part of it in Telugu or  Urdu. 

(D) The Paper on General English is a qualifying one and the standard of this  paper is that of Secondary School Certificate. The minimum qualifying marks  in this paper are: For the candidates belonging to OCs, Sports men & EWS – should not be less than 40%;BCs - not less than 35%; SCs, STs and PH – not  less than 30%. The Marks obtained in this paper are not counted for ranking. 

12.2 In case of candidates getting same marks in Preliminary Test (Objective  Type): If the total marks of two or more candidates are equal, then the local  status of the candidates is considered for ranking i.e., candidates local to  Telangana are given first positions, then other than Telangana candidates are  given the next positions. If the total marks and local status of more than two  candidates are equal, then date of birth of the candidates is taken for ranking i.e.,  the elder candidate is given prior rank. If total marks, local status and date of  birth of two or more candidates are equal, then the ranks are awarded based on  the date of passing of the required qualifying Examination. If then also two or  more candidates are equal in all aspects, the percentage of marks in the required  qualifying Examination will be taken for awarding the rank i.e., the candidate  having higher percentage in the required qualifying examination is given prior  rank. If then also two or more candidates are equal in all aspects, their higher  qualification will be taken into account. If then also two or more candidates are  equal in all aspects, the date of passing of the higher qualification will be taken  into account for ranking and even if the ranking is same, the percentage of marks  in higher qualification will be taken as criteria for awarding the rank.  Commission’s decision will be final in all other exceptional cases other than the  cases mentioned above 

12.3 In case of candidates getting same marks in Main Examination  (Conventional Type): If the total marks of two or more candidates are equal, then  the local status of the candidates is considered for ranking i.e., candidates local to  Telangana are given first positions, then other than Telangana candidates are  given the next positions. If the total marks and local status of more than two  candidates are equal, then date of birth of the candidates is taken for ranking i.e.,  the elder candidate is given prior rank. If total marks, local status and date of birth  of two or more candidates are equal, then the ranks are awarded based on the  marks obtained by the candidates, in Paper –I, candidate getting higher marks in  Paper-I would be given priority, even then if tie continues then highest marks in  Paper –II would be given priority, even then if tie continues then highest marks in  Paper –III would be given priority, even then if tie continues then highest marks in  Paper –IV would be given priority, even then if tie continues then highest marks in  Paper –V would be given priority. If then also two or more candidates are equal in  all aspects, the date of passing of the required qualifying examination will be  taken into account for consideration for ranking. If then also two or more  candidates are equal in all aspects as indicated above, the percentage of marks in  the required qualifying examination will be taken for awarding the rank i.e., the 


candidate having higher percentage in the required qualifying examination is  given prior rank. If then also two or more candidates are equal in all aspects, their  higher qualification will be taken into account. If then also two or more candidates  are equal in all aspects, the date of passing of the higher qualification will be  taken into account for consideration for ranking and even if the ranking is same,  the percentage of marks in higher qualification will be taken as criteria for  awarding the rank. Commission’s decision will be final in all other exceptional  cases other than the cases mentioned above. 

12.4 Once medium is chosen, the candidate has to write answers in the medium  chosen by him/her only. If there is any deviation from paper to paper or part of  the paper, the candidature would become invalid. All 06 (Six) papers have to be  written in the chosen medium only completely.  

12.5 In respect of evaluation of the Mains Examination Answer scripts, the Commission will resort to Digital Evaluation mode or Conventional mode depending upon administrative and operational convenience. 

12.6 Those candidates who qualify in the written examination in order of merit will be  called for verification of certificates Multi Zone wise, Community wise and  category wise for the vacancies available at that time. 

12.7 Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars on the day  of verification itself. If candidate fails to produce any of the required original  certificates and if the particulars furnished by him/her in the Application does not  tally with the Original documents produced by him / her, then his / her candidature  will be rejected /disqualified without any further correspondence. Those  candidates who are called for verification of certificates should furnish their order  of preference of posts & Multi-zone by exercising Web-Options and submit at the  time of verification of certificates, which are final, failing which their candidature  shall not be considered for further selection process. The selections will be  confined only to the Web Options exercised by the candidates. Under no  circumstances he/she will be considered for the posts / Multi-Zone where  preference was not indicated. 

12.8 Qualifying Marks in Main Examination: - The minimum marks to qualify for  selection shall be: not less than 40% of the aggregate marks in all papers for the  candidates belonging to OC, EWS & Meritorious Sportsperson; not less than 35%  for BC and not less than 30% for SCs, STs and PH. 

In the event of SC and ST candidates not coming up for selection with the  minimum marks prescribed above for selection, their selection shall be considered  on the basis of rank with reference to their performance in the written examination  irrespective of the marks secured. 

N.B.: Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a  candidate for being considered for selection. 

12.9 The candidate qualified for the Written (Mains) Examination must appear for all  the papers in Written (Mains) Examination. Absence in any paper will  automatically render his/her candidature for disqualification. 

12.10 The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service /Multi-zone as per their  merit in the Written (Mains) Examination and their eligibility to the post according  to age and qualification, as per order of Preference (Web-Options) duly following  the prescribed reservations and the local status as per the Presidential Orders. 

12.11 The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found  medically fit in the appropriate Medical Examination, provided he/she is of sound  health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity, satisfactory character  and conduct.


12.12 The applicant should be willing to serve anywhere in Telangana State. 


13.1 Vacancies: The recruitment will be made to the vacancies notified before the preliminary test only. There shall be no waiting list as per G.O. Ms. No. 81  General Administration (Ser.A) Department, Dated 22/02/1997 and G.O. Ms. No.  544 General Administration(Ser.A) Department, Dated 04/12/1998 and as per  Rule 6 of TSPSC Rules of Procedure 

13.2 Unfilled and Non-Joining vacancies will be Carried Forward to next recruitment 13.3 This Recruitment is entrusted to TSPSC along with Finance Clearance vide  G.O.Ms. No.26 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt.23/03/2022, G.O.Ms.No.40 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt.11/04/2022, and G.O.Ms.No.52 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt.20/04/2022, G.O.Ms.No.57 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt.23/04/2022, G.O. Ms. No. 16 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt.03/02/2024 

13.4 Recruitment:- The Recruitment will be processed as per this Notification and also  as per the Rules/G.Os and Instructions issued by the Government and also as decided by the Commission from time to time in terms of respective Special  Rules/Adhoc Rules governing the Recruitment vide following G.Os:- 

PC No. 01) G.O. Ms. No. 1066, Rev. (Ser.) Dept., Dt. 26/10/1992, G.O.Ms.No.120 Revenue (Ser.I) Dept., Dt.01/06/2016, G.O.Ms.No.211, General Administration  (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021.  

PC No. 02) G.O. Ms. No.137, Home (Police-E) Dept., Dt. 01/06/1998,  G.O.Ms.No.55 Home (Legal) Dept., Dt. 12/05/2016, G.O. Ms.No.170, General  Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021. G.O. Ms. No. 7 Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (PROG.II) Dept.,Dt.20/04/2022,  G.O.Ms.No. 19 Home (Legal) Dept., Dt. 20/05/2022. 

PC No. 03) G.O. Ms. No. 360, Revenue (CT-I) Department, Dt. 23/04/1994 read  with G.O. Ms. No.203, Revenue (CT-I) Department, Dt. 10/03/2010,  G.O.Ms.No.138, Revenue (Commercial Taxes-I) Department, Dt.01/06/2016, G.O.  Ms. No.209, General Administration (SPF-II)Dept., Dt.04/08/2021, G.O.Ms.No.11, 

DW CD & SC (Prog.II) Dept.,dt:20/04/2022. 

PC No. 04) G.O. Ms. No. 7 Transport, Roads and Buildings, (TR.SER)  Department, Dt.28/01/2021, G.O. Ms. No. 213, General Administration (SPF-I)  Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021, G.O.Ms.No.9, Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (PROG.II) Dept.,Dt.20/04/2022, G.O. Ms. No. 19 Transport,  Roads and Buildings, (TR.SER) Department, Dt. 23/04/2022. 

PC No.05) G.O.Ms.No.347 Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (E.VI) Dept.,  Dt. 21/11/2001, G.O. Ms. No. 40, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (Pts.VI)  Dept., Dt. 01/06/2016. G.O. Ms. No. 204, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept.,  Dt.04/08/2021, G.O. Ms. No. 34 Panchayat Raj & Rural Development,  Dt.12/09/2022. 

PC No.06) G.O.Ms.No.525, Revenue (Regn-I), Department, Dt.21/05/2009, G.O.Ms.No.108, Revenue (Registration -I) Dept., Dt.30/05/2016, G.O.Ms.No.208, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021.  

PC No.07) G.O. Ms. No. 316 Home (Prisons. A) Department, Dt. 17/08/1996,  G.O. Ms. No. 166, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021, G.O.  Ms. No. 7 Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (PROG.II) Dept., Dt.20/04/2022. 

PC No. 08) G.O. Ms. No. 71, Women Development, Child Welfare & Labour (Lab.IV) Department, Dt.08/06/1993 read with G.O.Ms.No.86, Labour, Employment, Training & Factories (Lab.IV) Department,Dt.29/09/2008, G.O. Ms.  No. 192, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021.  

PC No. 09) G.O. Ms. No. 36, Rev (Ex.I) Department, Dt..19/04/2022, G.O. Ms. No. 206, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt.04/08/2021,G.O.Ms.No.8 Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (PROG.II) Dept., Dt. 20/04/2022, G.O.Ms.No. 19 Home (Legal) Dept., Dt. 20/05/2022

PC No. 10) G.O. Ms. No. 109, Housing, Municipal Administration and Urban  Development (L1), (M.A.) Dept., Dt. 17/02/1990 read with G.O. Ms. No. 280, 


Municipal Administration & Urban Development (L2), Dept., Dt. 13/06/2002,  G.O.Ms.No. 61, Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA) Dept.,Dt.26/03/2022. G.O.Ms.No.180, Municipal Administration & Urban  Development (A1) Dept., Dt. 02/12/2015, G.O. Ms. No. 195, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021, G.O. Ms No. 15 Department for  

Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens, (PROG-II) Dept., Dt. 25/04/2022 PC No. 11) G.O. Ms. No. 12 SCD (Ser.) Dept., Dt. 16/08/2022, G.O.Ms.No. 212, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept.,Dt.04/08/2021.  

PC No. 12) G.O. Ms. No. 35, Backward Classes Welfare (P2) Dept.,  Dt.09/07/1996, G.O.Ms.No.29 Backward Classes Welfare (A) Dept., Dt.30/09/2015, G.O.Ms. No. 148, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt.  04/08/2021, G.O.Ms. No. 15 BC.W(A) Department Dt. 08/09/2022. 

PC No. 13) G.O. Ms.No. 123, Social Welfare (TW.SER.I-2) Dept., Dt. 23/12/1999  read with G.O. Ms. No. 69, Social Welfare (TW.SER.I-2) Dept., Dt.27/09/2010 G.O. Ms. No.215, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021, G.O.Ms.  No. 22 Tribal Welfare (Ser.I.A1) Department, Dt. 24/08/2022. 

PC No. 14) G.O. Ms. No. 107, Education (Emp.) Dept., dt. 30/04/1993, G.O. Ms.  No. 191, General Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt.04/08/2021.  

PC No. 15) G.O. Ms. No. 458, Health Medical & Family Welfare (C2) Dept.,  Dt.14/10/1998 read with G.O.Ms.No.129 Health, Medical and Family Welfare (C2) Department, Dt. 25/06/2009, G.O. Ms. No. 177, General Administration (SPF-I)  Dept., Dt.04/08/2021.  

PC No. 16) G.O. Ms. No. 953, General Administration (Rules) Dept.,  Dt:29/06/1962, G.O.Ms.No.69 Finance (TFR) Dept., Dt. 30/05/2016, G.O. Ms. No.  161, General Administration (SPF-I) Dept., Dt.04/08/2021. G.O.Ms.No.55, Finance (ADMN.I) Department, Dt. 21/04/2022.  

PC No. 17) G.O. Ms. No. 113, Finance (ADMN.-II) Dept., dt.20/05/2014, G.O. Ms.  No. 163, General Administration (SPF-I) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021. G.O.Ms. No. 54,  Finance (ADMN.II) Department, Dt. 21/04/2022. 

PC No. 18) G.O. Ms. No. 347Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (E.VI) Dept.,  Dt. 21/11/2001 read with G.O. Ms. No.330, Panchayat Raj and Rural  Development (E.VII.2) Dept., Dt. 28/10/2004. G.O. Ms. No.204, General  Administration (SPF-II) Dept., Dt. 04/08/2021, G.O.Ms. No 34 PR & RD, Dt.  12/09/2022 and as per Government Orders issued from time to time, and other related G.Os, Rules etc., applicable in this regard. 

13.5 Rules: All are informed that the various conditions and criteria prescribed herein are governed by State and Subordinate Service Rules-1996, read with the  relevant Special Rules applicable to any particular service by respective  departments. Any guidelines or clarification is based on the said Rules. In case of  any matter which requires clarification will be processed as per the relevant General and Special Rules in force. 

13.6 Constitutional Provisions:-The Commission is empowered under the  provisions of Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India read with relevant  laws, rules, regulations and executive instructions and all other enabling legal provisions in this regard to conduct examination for appointment to the posts  notified herein, duly following the principle of order of merit as per Rule 3 of the  TSPSC Rules of Procedure read with reference to relevant statutory provisions  and ensuring that the whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with  utmost regard to maintain secrecy and confidentiality so as to ensure that the 

principle of merit is followed. 

13.7 Local:-The Local Reservations shall be followed as per Telangana Public  Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct  Recruitment) Order, 2018, G.O.Ms.No.124, General Administration (SPF-MC),  Department, Dated 30/08/2018 as amended vide G.O.Ms. No. 128, G.A. (SPF-I)  Dept., Dated: 30/06/2021 and other orders issued by the Government of  Telangana from time to time and other related G.Os, Rules etc., whichever are  applicable. 

13.8 Multi-Zone:- The posts are classified into Multi-Zone posts. The local reservation  is applicable. 

13.9 Employee Details:-The persons already in Government Service/ Autonomous bodies/Government aided institutions etc., whether in permanent or temporary 


capacity or as work charged employees are required to inform in writing to the  Head of the Office / Department, that they have applied for this recruitment, as the case may be. They are further required to submit the “No Objection  Certificate” from the Head of the Office / Department concerned to the  Commission as and when required to do so. 

Persons who become employed after submission of application or at any later  stage of this recruitment shall also submit “No Objection Certificate” from the  Head of the Office /Department concerned to the Commission as and when required to do so. 

13.10 A) Penal Action:- The Commission is also empowered to invoke the penal  provisions of the Telangana State Public Examinations (Prevention of  Malpractices and Unfair means) Act, 1997 (Act No.25/1997) for matters  connected therewith or incidental thereto and as per the Rules of Procedure of  TSPSC published in Telangana Gazette No: 60 dated 28/12/2015 in respect of 

this Notification. 

B) Disqualification for appointment: A candidate shall be disqualified at any  stage as per Rule-12(4) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules. 


14.1 The candidate shall go through the Annexures before filling the application form. 

Annexure-I Breakup of Vacancies. 

Annexure-II Scheme and Syllabus. 

Annexure-III List of Communities. 

Annexure-IV List of the recognized sports. 

Annexure-V Payment gateway. 

Annexure-VI Instructions to candidates. 

Annexure-VII Criteria of Normalization. 


15.1 The marks secured in the Preliminary Test will not be counted for Ranking. The  marks of the Preliminary Test will not be notified as it is a Screening Test. 

15.2 The marks list of Main Examination (total marks) of all the candidates will be displayed on the Commission’s website. However, Paper wise Memorandum of  Marks of all candidates can be accessed in their respective Logins for a period  of one week. 

15.3 Request for recounting of marks will be considered for Conventional Type  (Written) Test only within 15 days after publication of Provisional Marks List on  payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) for each paper through  online payment only. 

15.4 The request for recounting shall be submitted only through online. 

15.5 Rejected, Invalid, disqualified, ineligible candidates will not be issued any Memorandum of Marks and fees paid by such candidates, if any, will be forfeited to Government account, without entertaining any correspondence in this regard. Request for revaluation will not be entertained under any circumstances as per Rule-3 (ix) (d) of Commission’s Rules of Procedure. 


16.1 Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the posts applied for and that  the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility  is correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making  false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any  information is liable to be debarred from appearing in any of the examinations to  be conducted by the Commission in future besides summarily rejecting his/her  candidature for this recruitment. 

16.2 The Penal Provisions of T.S. Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractices and  Unfair means) Act, 1997 (Act No.25/1997) and as per the Rules of Procedure of 


TSPSC published in Telangana Gazette No: 60 dated 28/12/2015 in respect of  this Notification shall be invoked if malpractice and unfair means are noticed at  any stage of the Recruitment. 

16.3 The Commission is vested with the constitutional duty of recruitment and selection  as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in the process. Any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause breach of this constitutional duty  in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices  followed and ensured by the Commission will be sufficient cause for rendering  such questionable means as ground for debarment and penal consequences as  per law and as may be decided by the Commission. 

16.4 Any candidate found to be impersonating or resorting to any other irregular or  improper means in connection with his / her candidature for selection or obtaining  support of others, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/ herself  liable to criminal prosecution, will be debarred permanently from any exam or  selection held by any Public Service Commission in the country. 

16.5 If Candidate himself/herself or through relations or friends or any others has  canvassed or endeavored to enlist for his candidature with extraneous support,  whether from official or non-official sources for appointment to any State Service  or Subordinate Service shall be disqualified. 

16.6 ANY ELECTRONIC GADGETS / DEVICES ARE BANNED: The Candidates are not  allowed to bring any electronic devices or Gadgets such as Smart / Mobile  Phones, Calculators, Tablets, iPad, Bluetooth, Pagers, Programmable Devices or  Storage Media like Pen-drive, Smart Watches, Camera etc., or any other  equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable  of being used as a communication device during the examination. Loaning and  interchanging of stationery articles among the applicants is not permitted in the  examination hall and any form of malpractice will not be permitted in the exam  hall. Candidates are advised not to bring any of the banned items including  mobile phones to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for safe – keeping cannot be assured. 

16.7 Any infringement / unfair means of the above instructions as per Act No. 25/1997  shall entail disciplinary action published in State Gazette No. 35, Part-IV-B  Extraordinary Dt. 21/08/1997 (as adapted by the Telangana Adaptation of Laws  Order, 2016) if noticed, at any stage of the Recruitment shall be punishable with  imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years and may extend  up to seven years alongwith fine which shall not be less than Rupees Five  Thousand, which may extend up to Rupees One Lakh. 


17.1 Candidates are directed to follow the Commission’s website ( regularly to know the latest developments of this  Recruitment and any changes/ Modifications /Addendum / Corrigendum, dates of Examination, calling of candidates for verification of Certificates / Results etc.  Candidates may note that no individual communication will be sent. Hence, they  must regularly visit the TSPSC website for updates such as Edit option, Merit  List, List of candidates shortlisted for Certificate Verification, schedule of  certificate verification /Medical board, etc. 

17.2 Candidates are advised to go through the Instructions to Candidates enclosed to this Notification at Annexure-VI 


18.1 The decision of the Commission in all aspects and in all respects pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, conduct of examination, and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or  otherwise of any candidate shall be final in all respects and binding on all  concerned, under the powers vested with it under Article 315 and 320 of the  Constitution of India, Commission also reserves its right to alter or modify  conditions laid down in the Notification during the entire process of recruitment  and selection or withdraw/ cancel the Notification at any time, duly intimating


details thereof to all concerned, as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances  arising during the course of this process, or as deemed necessary by the  Commission at any stage. 


Place: Hyderabad Dr. E. NAVEEN NICOLAS, I.A.S., Date: 19/02/2024 SECRETARY 
































Deputy Collector  

[Civil Services,  

(Executive Branch)]








Superintendent of  Police Category - II  (Police Service)









Commercial Tax  

Officer (Commercial  Tax Services)








Regional Transport  Officer (Transport  Service)







District Panchayat  Officer (Panchayat  Services)







District Registrar 







1 CF 




Superintendent of  Jails (Men) (Jails  









Commissioner of  Labour (Labour  
































Assistant Excise  


(Excise Service)




































Commissioner – 

Grade-II (Municipal  Administrative  





































District Social  

Welfare Officer /  

District Scheduled  Caste Development  Officer (Social  

Welfare Service)











1 CF

























District Backward  Classes  

Development Officer  including Assistant  Director (District  

Backward Classes  Development  

Officer) (Backward  Classes Welfare  











1 CF


























District Tribal  

Welfare Officer  

(Tribal Welfare  






































District Employment  Officer (Employment  Service)









1 + 












1 + 











































Officer including Lay  Secretary &  

Treasurer Grade II  (Medical & Health  Services)




































Assistant Treasury  Officer / Assistant  Accounts Officer /  

Assistant Lecturer in  the Training College  and School  

(Treasuries and  

Accounts Service)


6 +  


































Assistant Audit  

Officer (State Audit  Service)











1 CF







6 +  

















Mandal Parishad  

Development Officer  (Panchayat Raj &  Rural Development  Service)










8 +  



1 +  








18 +  




4 +  








































Preliminary Test 

General Studies & Mental ability  (Objective Type) 150 Questions 

2 ½ 


Written Examination (Main)  

General English (Qualifying Test) 


Paper-I General Essay 

It will have to cover the following topics 1. Contemporary Social issues and  Social Problems. 

2. Issues of Economic Growth and  Justice  

3. Dynamics of Indian Politics 

4. Historical and Cultural Heritage of  India 

5. Developments in Science and  Technology 

6. Education and Human Resource  Development.


Paper-II – History, Culture and  Geography 

1. History and Culture of India, with  special reference to Modern Period  (1757 to 1947 A.D) 

2. History and Cultural Heritage of  Telangana 

3. Geography of India and Telangana


Paper –III – Indian Society,  

Constitution and Governance 

1. Indian Society, Structure, Issues and  Social Movements  

2. Constitution of India 

3. Governance


Paper –IV – Economy and  


1. Indian Economy and Development 2. Telangana Economy  

3. Development and Environmental  Problems


Paper- V – Science & Technology  and Data Interpretation 

1. The role and impact of Science and  Technology 

2. Modern Trends in application of  knowledge of Science  

3. Data Interpretation and Problem  Solving


Paper-VI - Telangana Movement and  State Formation 

1. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970) 2. Mobilisational phase (1971 -1990) 3. Towards formation of Telangana  State (1991-2014) 









1. Current Affairs – Regional, National & International. 

2. International Relations and Events. 

3. General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology. 

4. Environmental Issues: Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies. 5. Economic and Social Development of India. 

6. World Geography, Indian Geography and Geography of Telangana state. 7. History and Cultural Heritage of India. 

8. Indian Constitution and Polity. 

9. Governance and Public Policy in India. 

10.Policies of Telangana State. 

11.Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana. 

12.Social Exclusion: Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc. and  inclusive policies. 

13.Logical Reasoning: Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation. 

Written Examination (Main) 

General English (Qualifying Test) 


1. Spotting Errors – Spelling; Punctuation 

2. Fill in the blanks – Prepositions; Conjunctions; Verb tenses 

3. Re-writing sentences – Active and Passive voice; 

Direct & Reported Speech; Usage of Vocabulary 

4. Jumbled sentences 

5. Comprehension 

6. Précis Writing 

7. Expansion 

8. Letter Writing 


(Candidate should write three Essays, selecting one from each Section compulsorily. Each Section contains three Questions. Each Essay carries 50 marks.) 


1. Contemporary Social Issues and Social Problems. 

2. Issues of Economic Growth and Justice. 


1. Dynamics of Indian Politics. 

2. Historical and Cultural Heritage of India.



1. Developments in Science and Technology. 

2. Education and Human Resource Development. 


I. History and Culture of India, with special reference to Modern Period (1757  to 1947 A.D.) 

1. Early Indian Civilizations-Indus and Vedic; Emergence of Religious Movements in the  sixth century BC - Jainism and Buddhism; Indo- Greek Art and Architecture – Gandhara, Mathura and Amaravathi Schools; Social and Cultural condition under the  Mauryan, Satavahanas and Guptas . 

2. Advent of Islam and its impact on Indian Society – Nature and significance of Bhakti and  Sufi Movements; Contribution of Kakatiya, and Vijayanagara rulers to Language,  Literature, Art and Architecture: the contribution of Delhi Sultans and Mughals to  Language, Literature, Art, Architecture and Fine Arts, Monuments; Emergence of  Composite Culture in the Deccan and India. 

3. The Establishment of British Colonial Rule in India: Carnatic Wars , Battle of Plassey,  Anglo- Mysore, Anglo-Maratha and Anglo-Sikh Wars; Economic Impact of British  Colonial Rule: Land Revenue Settlements in British India; -Commercialization of  Agriculture; Rise of Landless Agrarian Labour; Famines and Poverty;De 

industrialization; Decline of Traditional Crafts; Drain of Wealth; Growth of Trade and  Commerce- Economic Transformation of India; Railroads, Transport and  Communication Network- Telegraph and Postal Services. 

4. Anti – British uprisings: Tribal and Peasant revolts in the Nineteenth Century-Causes  and Consequences of 1857 revolt. Factors responsible for the rise of Indian  Nationalism; Rise and Growth of Socio- Religious and Anti-Caste Movements: Brahma  Samaj, Arya Samaj, Aligarh Movement, Satya Shodak Samaj, Jotiba and Savithribhai  Phule, Pandita Ramabai, Narayana Guru, Ayyankali, Annie Beasant; Non- Brahmin,  Justice and Self-Respect Movements: Periyar, Mahatma Gandhi, Ambedkar and others. 

5. Three Phases of Indian Freedom Struggle, 1885-1947. The rise and growth of All India  Kisan Sabha, Workers and Tribal movements; Issue of Gender and Women’s  movement; Growth of Socialist and Communist Movements; Growth of Communalism;  Independence and Partition of India. 

II. History and Cultural Heritage of Telangana. 

1. History and culture of Ancient Telangana – Satavahanas, Ikshvakus and  Vishnukundins; Rise and growth of Jainism and Buddhism; Socio-Cultural - Conditions Language, Literature, Art and Architecture. 

2. Medeival Telangana and the emergence of composite culture - Kakatiyas and Velama  kingdoms and their contribution to Socio- Cultural Development, Literature, Music,  Dance, Art and Architecture; Qutub Shahis and their contribution to Telugu literature, art  and architecture. Protest Movements against Kakatiyas and Qutub Shahis- Sammakka  Sarakka and Sarvaipapanna 

3. The Establishment of Asaf Jahi Dynasty – Salar Jung Reforms and Modernization of  Telangana ; Socio- Economic development under the Nizams – Land Tenures and  Social System, Jagirdars, Deshmukhs etc.and Vetti– British Paramountcy and Nizam Revolt of 1857 in Hyderabad and the role of Turre Baz Khan; Socio- Economic  Development during the rule of the sixth and seventh Nizams - Growth of Railways,  Transport and Communication System, Establishment of Industries, Educational  Institutions – Monuments of Asaf Jahi period. 

4. Socio-Cultural Awaking in Telangana- Andhra Sarasvath Parishat – Literary and Library  Movements; Establishment of Nizam Rashtra Andhra Jana Sangham – Andhra 


Mahasabha – Social Reform Movements -Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj and Adi- Hindu  and Dalit Movements, Role of Bhagyareddy Varma- Andhra Mahila Sabha and the  growth of Women’s Movement. Role of Hyderabad State Congress and Vandemataram  Movement. 

5. Peoples Movement against the Nizam’s Rule – Adivasi revolts – Ramji Gond and  Kumaram Bheemu - Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle – Role of Andhra Mahasabha  and the Communists –Majlis-Ittehadul-Muslimeen Party, Rajakars and Kasim Razvi – Police Action and the End of Nizam’s Rule – Integration of Hyderabad State into Indian  Union. 

III. Geography of India and Telangana. 

1. India – Physical setting, Physiography, Drainage, Climate- Mechanism of Monsoon,  effect of El-Nino and La Niño, Rainfall variability- Floods and Drought, Soils, Vegetation  and Wildlife-Degradation and Conservation Measures. Major Minerals and Energy  Resources- distribution and conservation, Energy Crisis – role of non-conventional  energy resources. Marine Resources – Economic significance, EEZ. Water resources – 

availability, problems of inter – state Water sharing, Conservation Measures. 2. Agriculture and Irrigation – Major Food and Non-Food crops, Agro Climatic Regions,  Green Revolution, recent trends in Agriculture; Major Irrigation Projects and Command  Area Development; Industries- Major Industries - Iron and Steel, Cotton Textiles,  Cement, Sugar, Automobile, IT, & Food Processing Industries, Localisation Factors,  Industrial Corridors & Economic Development; Transportation: Means of Transportation,  Role of Road and Rail Network in Economic Development, Highways and Express  Highways; Major Ports – changing trends and direction of India’s Trade - role of WTO;  Strategic location of India in the Indian Ocean; Population – distribution, growth,  Demographic characteristics, Demographic dividend and transition, HDI, Population  problems and Policies. Urbanisation process- Spatial pattern, growth of Megacities,  problems of Urban Growth and Policies, concept of Smart Cities. 

3. Geographical extent of Hyderabad State and present Telangana State Physical setting,  Relief, Climate, Rivers, Soils, Forest cover and Wild life–distribution, depletion and  conservation. Minerals and Energy resources - Coal, Iron and Limestone distribution.  Thermal and Hydro Power Projects – Problems and Prospects. 

4. Agriculture- Rainfed/Dry land Agriculture, Drought prone areas and Mitigation  Measures. Sources of Irrigation: Canals, Tanks and Wells, Depletion of Ground Water  and its conservation- Mission Kakatiya. Industries – Cement, Sugar, Pharma,  Electronic, Tourism, IT, ITIR, SEZs. Handicrafts and Household Industries and their  problems. Road and Rail Network distribution and role in Economic Development.  Population - distribution, growth, density, demographic characteristics (sex ratio, age,  literacy, etc.,) Tribal Population - distribution, problems of Tribal areas and policies for  Tribal Area Development. 

5. Urbanisation in Telangana State, Spatio-temporal changes, Urban Growth and  Migration. Evolution and phases of Urban Growth of Hyderabad, transformation from  historical to modern cosmopolitan Megapolis, Primacy of Hyderabad in Telangana  State, City structure, Industries and Industrial estates, urban infrastructure and transport  - ORR and Metro - Problems and Planning - role of GHMC and HUDA (Metropolitan  Development Plan – 2031, HMDA), Hyderabad as a Tourist Centre and Global city.



I. Indian Society, Structure, Issues and Social Movements 

1. Indian Society: Salient features, Unity in Diversity; Family, Marriage, Kinship, Caste,  Tribe, Religion, Language; Rural – Urban continuum; Multi-culturalism. 

2. Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Minorities, Women, Children, Aged and Disabled. 

3. Social Issues: Poverty; Unemployment, Child Labour, Violence against Women;  Regionalism; Communalism and Secularism; Corruption; Caste Conflicts, Problems  of Agricultural Labour; Urbanization; Development and Displacement;  Environmental Degradation; Sustainable Development; Population Explosion;  Agrarian Distress; Migration. 

4. (a)Social Issues in Telangana: Vetti; Jogini and Devadasi System; Girl Child;  Flourosis; Child Labour; Migrant Labour; Child Marriages. 

(b) Social Movements in Telangana. 

5. Social Policies and Programmes in India and Telangana: Policies for Women,  Children, Aged and Disabled; Policies for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,  Backward Classes and Minorities; Environmental Policy; Population Policy; Policy on Education; Policy on Health; Poverty Alleviation Programmes; Welfare Schemes for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Women, Children,  Minorities, Aged and Disabled. 

II. Constitution of India. 

1. Evolution of Indian Constitution: Role of the Drafting Committee; Constitutional  Philosophy and Preamble; Salient features & Basic Structure; Amendments. 

2. Fundamental Rights: Nature and Scope; Expanding horizons of Fundamental Rights; Enforceability against State and others; Welfare State and Distributive Justice under  the Constitution; Directive Principles of State Policy - Rule of Law and Fundamental Duties. 

3. System of Government: Parliamentary system, Central Government: President,  Prime Minister & Council of Ministers; Parliament: Powers and Functions; State  Government: Governor, Chief Minister & Council of Ministers; Legislature: Powers  and Functions, Legislative Privileges. 

4. Judicial System in India: Supreme Court, High Courts & Administrative Tribunals;  Subordinate Judiciary; Judicial Review and Judicial Activism; Independence of  Judiciary and Judicial Accountability. 

5. Federal system: Centre-State Relations- Issues and Challenges pertaining to the Federal Structure; Local Self-Government 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments for sharing of powers - Panchayat Raj and Municipal Institutions; Resolution of Inter State disputes with reference to Water Disputes- Challenges of Implementation. 

III. Governance 

1. Governance and Good Governance, E-Governance-Applications and Models; Governance at Union level- Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office (PMO), Central  Secretariat, Ministries and Departments; Constitutional bodies-Finance Commission,  Election Commission, Union Public Service Commission, Comptroller and Auditor  General of India, National Human Rights Commission, National Commissions for SCs/ST/Minorities and Women; Parliamentary Committees- Estimates Committee, Public  Accounts Committee, Committee on Public Undertakings. 

2. Governance at State and District Levels-Secretariat and Directorates and their


relationships; District Administration-Role of Collector, Institutions of Rural and Urban Governance-Powers and Functions, Systems for delivery of Services; Cooperatives, State Finance Commission; Devolution of Powers and Finances-Issues and Challenges.  Development Corporations for SCs, STs, B.Cs, Minorities and Disabled Welfare; Control  over Administration-Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control. 

3. Programmes, Agencies and Institutions working for the development of Urban and Rural  Areas; People Centred Participatory Development; Poverty Alleviation Programmes; Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth; Rights related to Health, Food Security and Education-Issues andChallenges. 

4. Debates on Development and Development Processes; State and Provision of Services;  State and Market; Involvement of Civil Society-Community Based Organizations (CBOs)  and NGOs; Self- Help Groups, (SHGs), Charities and Stakeholders, Public-Private  Partnerships (PPP); Corporate Social Responsibility. 

5. Ethics and Values of Administration; Neutrality of Civil Services, Committed Bureaucracy, Politician and Civil Servant Relations; Citizen Charters, Gender Sensitization; Transparency and Accountability of Administration; Prevention of Corruption in Administration- Central  Vigilance Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation, Lokpal, Lokayuktha, ACB and Consumer Protection Mechanisms; Application and Impact of Right to Information Act 2005; Administrative Reforms. 


I. Indian Economy and Development. 

1. National Income -Concepts and Measurement of National Income- Nominal and Real  Income; Structure and growth of Indian economy – Sectoral trends in National Income  of India 

2. Poverty and Unemployment: Concepts of Poverty - Income-based Poverty, non income Poverty- capability approach (Human Poverty Index), Measurement of Poverty  and trends in Poverty; Concepts, estimates and trends of Unemployment 

3. Money and Banking: Money supply, Structure of Indian Banking and non-banking  financial institutions; Reforms in Banking sector; Regulation of credit by RBI 

4. Public Finance: Tax structure, Central and state taxes; Government expenditure in  revenue and capital account; Public debt: composition- internal and external debt; MonetaryPolicy,FiscalPolicy; Union Budget: Budget Analysis. 

5. Planning in Indian economy: Objectives, Priorities, Strategies, Achievements of Five  Year Plans; 12th FYP - Inclusive growth; NITI Aayog; Liberalization, Privatisation,  Globalisation: Features and Implications. 

II. Telangana Economy. 

1. Telangana economy in Hyderabad State (Agriculture, Industry and Trade); Telangana  economy in United AP (1956-2014)- Deprivation and Under development; Structure and Growth of Telangana economy: Sectoral trends in GSDP ; Per capita income;  Income inequalities and Poverty. 

2. Human resources: Demographic Structure and Transition , Demographic dividend , (sex ratio, fertility rate, mortality rates) ; Literacy and Occupation structure: Social Sector – Education and Health 

3. Land reforms: I generation (1947-1970) and II generation land reforms (1970 onwards)- Abolition of Intermediaries : Zamindari, Jagirdari and Inamdari -Tenancy Reforms :  Land ceiling ; Land alienation in Scheduled areas ; Impact of land reforms.


4. Agriculture and Allied sectors: Trends in share of crop and allied sectors in GSDP; Distribution of land holdings; Trends in Irrigation; Problems of dry land Agriculture; Dependence on Agriculture; Cropping pattern Trends ; Trends in productivity;  Agricultural Credit, Extension and Marketing; Cooperatives and Producer Companies 

5. Industry and Service sectors: Industrial development; Structure and growth of  industrial sector, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector , Revival of  sick industries; Industrial infrastructure- Power; Industrial Policy of Telangana; Structure and growth of service sector; employment trends in Industry and Service  sectors; Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy of Telangana. 

III. Development and Environmental Problems. 

1. Environment vs Development: Definition of Environment, Environmentalism;  Environmental Protection Policy, Environmental Policy Instruments. 

2. Natural resources: Forest resources- Commercialization of forests - Forest Acts vs Forest dwellers/ users; Water: surface water and groundwater, competing demand  for water - drinking, industrial and agriculture; Land resources: competing uses of  land- food, feed, fuel, and fibre; Mining and Environment; Sustainability of natural resources. 

3. Eco systems and Bio-diversity: Ecology and Eco-system; Food chains in Eco  systems, Typology of eco system; Bio diversity and its conservation, Types of Bio  diversity, threat to Bio diversity. 

4. Environment pollution and solid waste management, types of solid waste, factors  affecting solid waste generation, impact of solid waste, recycling and reuse. 

5. Global Environment Issues: Climate Change, Global Warming and its impact,  Sustainable Development. 

PAPER- V – SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY AND DATA INTERPRETATION I. The role and impact of Science and Technology. 

1. Classical and Emerging areas of Science & Technology : Value addition by Science & Technology, Current Science & Technology developments in India and importance of Science & Technology as an engine for National Development ; Industrial  development & Urbanization. 

2. National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time to time: Technology missions 

- ICT: Basics in Computers, Robotics, Nano technology and Communication. 

3. Space program in India and its applications with special reference to industrial,  agricultural and other rural development activities, INSAT, IRS systems, EDUSAT  and Chandrayaan-1 and future programme. 

4. Application of Space Technology in India with references to Education, Agriculture  and Industry. Climatic change, Floods, Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade  Disaster Management. 

5. Energy Resources: Energy demands, Indian energy scenario- hydel, thermal and nuclear. Importance of renewable resources - Solar, Wind, small/Mini/Micro hydel, Biomass, waste based, geothermal, tidal & fuel cells. Energy security - Role of  Science & Technology, Bio-fuel cultivation and extraction.


II. Modern Trends in application of knowledge of Science. 

1. Crop Science in India; Characteristics of Plants - Crop plants, Forest species, Medicinal Aromatic plants, Useful and Harmful plants and utility for mankind. 

2. Concept of Biotechnology and application of genetic engineering and Stem Cell  Research. Biotechnology in Agriculture (bio-fertilizers, bio - pesticides, bio- fuels,  tissue culture, cloning) and Environment (Biotechnology in Environmental cleanup process) 

3. Food bio-technology, Food safety and Food quality standards, Food Laws and Regulations. Recent trends in organic farming and farm mechanization. Safe Drinking Water – Defluoridation and other Techniques. 

4. Microbial infections; Introduction to bacterial, viral, protozoal and fungal infections.  Basic knowledge of infections caused by different groups of micro organisms diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, viral infections like HIV,  encephalitis, chikungunya, bird flu- preventive measures during out breaks. 

5. Vaccines: Introduction to immunity, Fundamental concepts in vaccination and traditional methods of vaccine production (production of DPT and Rabies vaccine),  Production of modern vaccines (production of Hepatitis Vaccine). 

III. Data Interpretation and Problem Solving. 

1. Data Analysis – Analytical Interpretation of statistical Data, Study of Graphs and  Charts - Bar graphs, Line graphs and Pie- charts and drawing conclusions. 

2. Problems based on Tabular and Diagrammatical Data - Problems based on  Probability Logical Reasoning, Analytical and Mental ability. 

3. Quantitative Aptitude – Number Sequences, Series, Averages, Number Systems,  Ratio and Proportion, Profit and Loss. 

4. Time and Work, Speed -Time – Distance, Simple Interest, Analytical and Critical reasoning. 

5. Decision Making and Problem Solving: A duly structured situation will be presented to the candidates and they will be asked to analyze and suggest their own solution to the  problem arising out of situations. 


I. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970) 

1. Historical Background: Telangana as a distinctive cultural unit in Hyderabad Princely  State, its geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features- People of Telangana- castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs, festivals and  important places in Telangana. Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung and Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis;  Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan, VII Nizam’s Farman  of 1919 and Definition of Mulki - Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects League known as  the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance; Merger of Hyderabad State into Indian Union in 1948; Employment Policies under Military Rule and Vellodi,1948-1952; Violation of Mulki-Rules and Its Implications.


2. Hyderabad State in Independent India- Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao and 1952 Mulki-Agitation; Demand for Employment of Local people and City College Incident- Its importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial debates and demand for Telangana State-Reasons for the  

Formation of States Reorganization Commission (SRC) under Fazal Ali in 1953-Main Provisions and Recommendations of SRC-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s views on SRC and  smaller states. 

3. Formation of Andhra Pradesh, 1956: Gentlemen’s Agreement - its Provisions and Recommendations; Telangana Regional Committee, Composition and Functions Violation of Safeguards-Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences;  Post-1970 Development Scenario in Telangana- Agriculture, Irrigation, Power,  Education, Employment, Medical and Health etc. 

4. Violation of Employment and Service Rules: Origins of Telangana Agitation- Protest in Kothagudem and other places, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana. Role of Intellectuals, Students, Employees in Jai Telangana Movement. 

5. Formation of Telangana Praja Samithi and Course of Movement - the Spread of  Telangana Movement- Major Events, Leaders and Personalities- All Party Accord – G.O. 36 - Suppression of Telangana Movement and its Consequences-The Eight Point and Five-Point Formulas-Implications. 

II. Mobilizational Phase (1971 -1990) 

1. Court Judgements on Mulki Rules- Jai Andhra Movement and its Consequences- Six Point Formula 1973, and its Provisions; Article 371-D, Presidential Order, 1975-Officers  (Jayabharat Reddy) Committee Report- G.O. 610 (1985); its Provisions and Violations Reaction and Representations of Telangana Employees 

2. Rise and Spread of Naxalite Movement, causes and consequences - Anti-Landlord  Struggles in Jagityala-Siricilla, North Telangana; Rytu-Cooli Sanghams; Alienation of Tribal Lands andAdivasi Resistance- Jal, Jungle, and Zamin. 

3. Rise of Regional Parties in 1980’s and Changes in the Political, Socio-Economic and  Cultural fabric of Telangana- Notion of Telugu Jathi and suppression of Telangana identity Expansion of new economy in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana; RealEstate, Contracts, Finance Companies; Film, Media and Entertainment Industry; Corporate Education and Hospitals etc; Dominant Culture and its implications for Telangana self  respect, Dialect, Language and Culture. 

4. Liberalization and Privatisation Policies in 1990’s and their consequences - Emergence of regional disparities and imbalances in political power, administration, education,  employment – Madiga Dandora and Tudum Debba movement – Agrarian crisis and  decline of Handicrafts in Telangana and its impact on Telangana Society and economy. 

5. Quest for Telangana identity-intellectual discussions and debates- political and ideological efforts – Growth of popular unrest against regional disparities, discrimination and under  development of Telangana. 

III. Towards Formation of Telangana State (1991-2014) 

1. Public awakening and Intellectual reaction against discrimination- formation of Civil society  organisation, Articulation of separate Telanagana Identity; Initial organisations raised the  issues of separate Telangana; Telangana Information Trust - Telangana Aikya Vedika,  Bhuvanagiri Sabha - Telangana Jana Sabha, Telangana Maha Sabha - Warangal  Decleration - Telangana Vidyavanthula Vedika; etc., Efforts of Telangana Congress & BJP  in highlighting the issue.


2. Establishment of Telangana Rashtra Samithi in 2001, Political Realignment and Electoral Alliances in 2004 and later Phase of Telangana Movement – TRS in UPA- Girgliani  Committee- Telangana Employees Joint Action Committee - Pranab Mukherjee  Committee- 2009-Elections-Alliances- Telangana in Election Manifestos- The agitation against Hyderabad as Free-zone - and Demand for separate Statehood- Fast-Unto-Death by K.Chandra Shekar Rao-Formation of Political JointAction Committee (2009) 

3. Role of Political Parties-TRS, Congress, B.J.P., Left parties, T.D.P., M.I.M and other political parties such as Telangana Praja Front, Telangana United Front etc., Dalit-Bahujan  Sanghams and Grass roots Movement organisations - Other Joint Action Committees and popular protests- Suicides for the cause of Telangana. 

4. Cultural Revivalism in Telangana, other symbolic expressions in Telangana Movement Literary forms- performing arts and other cultural expressions- writers, poets, singers, intellectuals, Artists, Journalists, Students, Employees, Advocates, Doctors, NRIs, women, Civil society groups, organised and unorganised sectors, castes, communities and other social groups in transforming the agitation into a mass movement - Intensification of  

Movement, Forms of Protest and Major events: Sakalajanula Samme, Non-Cooperation  Movement; Million March, etc., 

5. Parliamentary Process; UPA Government’s stand on Telangana- All-Party Meeting Anthony Committee- Statements on Telangana by Central Home Minister - Sri Krishna  Committee Report and its Recommendations,APAssembly and Parliamentary proceedings on Telangana, Declaration of Telangana State in Parliament, Andhra Pradesh State  Reorganization Act, 2014- Elections and victory of Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the first  Government of Telangana State.




(G.O. MS. NO. 5 Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., Dt. 08/08/2015 read with  G.O. Ms. No. 11, Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., Dt. 17/09/2014 and G.O.  Ms. No. 2 Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., Dt. 22.01.2015) 


1. Adi Andhra  

2. Adi Dravida  

3. Anamuk  

4. Aray Mala  

5. Arundhatiya  

6. Arwa Mala  

7. Bariki  

8. Bavuri  

9. Beda (Budga) Jangam  


11.Byagara, Byagari  



14.Chamar, Mochi, Muchi, Chamar-Ravidas, Chamar- Rohidas 



17.Dakkal, Dokkalwar  



20.Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 

21.Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu 

22.Ghasi, Haddi, Relli, Chanchandi 




26.Holeya Dasari  



29.Kolupulvandlu, Pambada, Pambanda, Pambala 

30.Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva 


32.Madiga Dasu, Mashteen  


34.Mala, Mala Ayawaru  

35.Mala Dasari  

36.Mala Dasu  

37.Mala Hannai  


39.Mala Masti  

40.Mala Sale, Nethani  

41.Mala Sanyasi  


43.Mang Garodi  





48.Mitha Ayyalvar  


50.Paky, Moti, Thoti  


52.Panchama, Pariah  






57.Sindhollu, Chindollu  




1. Andh, Sadhu Andh  

2. Bagata 

3. Bhil 

4. Chenchu 

5. Gadabas, Bodo Gadaba, Gutob Gadaba, Kallayi Gadaba, Parangi Gadaba, Kathera  Gadaba, Kapu Gadaba 

6. Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond, Koitur 

7. Goudu (in the Agency tracts) 

8. Hill Reddis 

9. Jatapus 



12.Kolam, Kolawar  

13.Konda Dhoras, Kubi  

14.Konda Kapus  


16.Kondhs, Kodi, Kodhu, Desaya Kondhs, Dongria Kondhs, Kuttiya Kondhs, Tikiria Kondhs,  Yenity Kondhs, Kuvinga 

17.Kotia, Bentho Oriya, Bartika, Dulia, Holya, Sanrona, Sidhopaiko 

18.Koya, Doli Koya, Gutta Koya, Kammara Koya, Musara Koya, Oddi Koya, Pattidi Koya,  Rajah, Rasha Koya, Lingadhari Koya (ordinary), Kottu Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya  19.Kulia 

20.Manna Dhora 

21.Mukha Dhora, Nooka Dhora 

22.Nayaks (in the Agency tracts) 


24.Porja, Parangiperja  

25.Reddi Dhoras  

26.Rona, Rena 

27.Savaras, Kapu Savaras, Maliya Savaras, Khutto Savaras 

28.Sugalis, Lambadis, Banjara 

29.Thoti (in Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahbubnagar, Medak,  Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal districts) 

30.Yenadis, Chella Yenadi, Kappala Yenadi, Manchi Yenadi, Reddi Yenadi 31.Yerukulas, Koracha, Dabba Yerukula, Kunchapuri Yerukula, Uppu Yerukula 32.Nakkala, Kurvikaran. 


As per G.O. Ms. No. 16 Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dated:11.03.2015 and  read with G.O.MS.No. 34, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dated: 08/10/2015,  G.O. Ms. No. 4 Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dated: 30/01/2016, G.O.Ms.No. 3  Backward Classes Welfare (B) Department, Dated: 09-09-2020 


(List of Backward Classes of Telangana State) 


(Aboriginal Tribes, Vimuktha Jathis, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes etc.) 

1 Agnikulakshatriya, Palli, Vadabalija, Bestha, Jalari, Gangavar, Gangaputra, Goondla,  Vanyakulakshatriya (Vannekapu, Vannereddi, Pallikapu, Pallireddi) Neyyala, Pattapu. 2 Balasanthu, Bahurupi 

3 *[Bandara] 

4 Budabukkala


5 Rajaka (Chakali, Vannar) 

6 Dasari (formerly engaged in Bikshatana i.e., Beggary) 

7 Dommara 

8 Gangiredlavaru 

9 Jangam (whose traditional occupation is begging) 

10 Jogi 

11 Katipapala 

12 *[Korcha] 

13 Lambada or Banjara in Telangana area (deleted and included in ST list vide.  G.O.Ms.No.149, SW, Dt.03.05.1978) 

14 Medari or Mahendra 

15 Mondivaru, Mondibanda, Banda 

16 Nayi-Brahmin/Nayee-Brahmin (Mangali), Mangala and Bhajantri 

17 Nakkala (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.21, BCW (C2) Dept., Dt.20.06.2011, since it is included in  the list of Scheduled Tribes at Sl.No.34 vide. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes  Order (Amendment) Act, 2002 (Central Act No.10 of 2003) 

18 Vamsha Raj / Pitchiguntla 

19 Pamula 

20 Pardhi (Nirshikari) 

21 Pambala 

22 Peddammavandlu, Devaravandlu, Yellammavandlu, Mutyalammavandlu, Dammali /  Dammala / Dammula / Damala 

23 Veeramushti (Nettikotala), Veerabhadreeya 

24 Valmiki Boya (Boya, Bedar, Kirataka, Nishadi, Yellapi, Pedda Boya), Talayari, Chunduvallu  (Yellapi and Yellapu are one and the same as clarified vide. G.O.Ms.No.61, BCW (M1)  Dept., Dt.05.12.1996) 

25 Yerukalas in Telangana area (deleted and included at Sl.No.31 in the list of STs)  26 Gudala 

27 Kanjara – Bhatta 

28 *[Kalinga] 

29 Kepmare or Reddika 

30 Mondepatta 

31 Nokkar 

32 Pariki Muggula 

33 Yata 

34 Chopemari 

35 Kaikadi 

36 Joshinandiwalas 

37 Odde (Oddilu, Vaddi, Vaddelu), Vaddera, Vaddabhovi, Vadiyaraj, Waddera 38 Mandula 

39 Mehtar (Muslim) 

40 Kunapuli 

41 Patra 

42 *[Kurakula] 

43 *[Pondara] 

44 *[Samanthula /Samantha/ Sountia / Sauntia] 

45 Pala-Ekari, Ekila, Vyakula, Ekiri, Nayanivaru, Palegaru, Tolagari, Kavali (area confined to  Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts only)  

46 Rajannala, Rajannalu (area confined to Karimnagar, Warangal, Nizamabad and Adilabad  Districts only) 

47 Bukka Ayyavars 

48 Gotrala 

49 Kasikapadi / Kasikapudi (area confined to Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Nizamabad,  Mahaboobnagar and Adilabad Districts only) 

50 Siddula 

51 Sikligar/ Saikalgar 

52 Poosala (included vide. G.O.Ms.No.16, BCW(C2) Dept., Dt.19.02.2009 by deleting from  Sl.No.24 under Group-D) 

53 *[Aasadula / Asadula] 

54 *[Keuta / Kevuto / Keviti] 

55 Orphan and Destitute Children who have lost their parents before reaching the age of ten  and are destitute; and who have nobody else to take care of them either by law or custom;  and also who are admitted into any of the schools or orphanages run by the Government or 


recognised by the Government.  

56 Addapuvaru  

57 Bagothula/ Bhagavathula  

58 Bail Kammara/ Ghisadi/ Gadiya Lohar  

59 Enooti/ Yenetivallu  

60 Ganjikuti/ Ganjikutivaru  

61 Gouda Jetti  

62 Kakipadagala  

63 Patamvaru/ Masaiahlu  

64 Odd/ Od/ Oad  

65 Sonnayila/ Sannayila/ Sannayollu  

66 Sri Kshatriya Ramajogi/ Ramajogi/ Ramajogula  

67 Theracheerala/ Telsoori/ Baikani  

68 Tholubommalatavaru/ Boppala  


(Vocational Groups) 

1 *[Achukatlavandlu] 

2 Aryakshatriya, Chittari, Giniyar, Chitrakara, Nakhas 

3 Devanga 

4 Goud [Ediga, Gouda (Gamalla), Kalalee, Gounda, [*Settibalija of Visakhapatnam, East  Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna districts] and Srisayana (Segidi) 5 Dudekula, Laddaf, Pinjari or Noorbash 

6 Gandla, Telikula, Devathilakula 

7 Jandra 

8 Kummara or Kulala, Salivahana 

9 Karikalabhakthulu, Kaikolan or Kaikala (Sengundam or Sengunther) 

10 Karnabhakthulu 

11 Kuruba or Kuruma 

12 *[Nagavaddilu] 

13 Neelakanthi 

14 Patkar (Khatri) 

15 Perika (Perika Balija, Puragiri kshatriya) 

16 Nessi or Kurni 

17 Padmasali (Sali, Salivan, Pattusali, Senapathulu, Thogata Sali) 

18 Srisayana (Segidi) (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.63, BCW (M1) Dept., Dt.11.12.1996 and added  to Sl.No.4 of Group-B) 

19 Swakulasali 

20 Thogata, Thogati or Thogataveerakshatriya 

21 Viswabrahmin (Ausula, Kamsali, Kammari, Kanchari, Vadla or Vadra or Vadrangi and  Silpis), Viswakarma 

22 *[Kunchiti / Vakkaliga / Vakkaligara / Kunchitiga] 

23 Lodh/ Lodhi/ Lodha (area confined to Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Khammam and Adilabad  Districts only) 

24 Bondili 

25 Are Marathi, Maratha (Non-Brahmins), Arakalies and Surabhi Natakalavallu 26 Neeli (included vide. G.O.Ms.No. 43, BCW (C2) Dept., Dt.07.08.2008 by deleting from  Group D at Sl.No.22) 

27 Budubunjala / Bhunjwa / Bhadbhunja (area confined to Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts  only) 

28 *[Gudia / Gudiya] 


 Scheduled Castes converts to Christianity and their progeny 


(Other Classes) 

1 *[Agaru] 

2 Arekatika, Katika, Are-Suryavamshi 

3 *[Atagara] 

4 Bhatraju 

5 Chippolu (Mera)


6 *[Gavara] 

7 *[Godaba] 

8 Hatkar 

9 *[Jakkala] 

10 Jingar 

11 *[Kandra] 

12 Koshti 

13 Kachi 

14 Surya Balija (Kalavanthula), Ganika 

15 Krishnabalija (Dasari, Bukka) 

16 *[Koppulavelamas] 

17 Mathura 

18 Mali (Bare, Barai, Marar and Tamboli) 

19 Mudiraj, Mutrasi, Tenugollu 

20 Munnurukapu 

21 *[Nagavasam (Nagavamsa)] 

22 Nelli (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.43, BCW(C2) Dept., Dt.07.08.2008 and added at Sl.No.26 in  Group 'B') 

23 *[Polinati Velamas of Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam districts] 

24 Poosala caste (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.16, BCW(C2) Dept., Dt.19.02.2009 and included at  S.No.52 under Group-A) 

25 Passi 

26 Rangarez or Bhavasara Kshatriya 

27 Sadhuchetty 

28 Satani (Chattadasrivaishnava) 

29 Tammali (Non-Brahmins) (Shudra caste) whose traditional occupation is playing musical  instruments, vending of flowers and giving assistance in temple service but not  Shivarchakars 

30 *[Turupukapus or Gajulakapus] 

31 Uppara or Sagara 

32 Vanjara (Vanjari) 

33 Yadava (Golla) 

34 Are, Arevallu and Arollu 

35 *[Sadara / Sadaru] 

36 *[Arava] 

37 Ayyaraka (area confined to Khammam and Warangal Districts only) 

38 Nagaralu (area confined to Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts only) 39 Aghamudian, Aghamudiar, Agamudivellalar and Agamudimudaliar (including Thuluva  Vellalas) (area confined to Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts only) 

40 *[Beri Vysya / Beri Chetty] 

41 *[Atirasa] 

42 Sondi / Sundi 

43 Varala 

44 Sistakaranam 

45 Lakkamarikapu 

46 Veerashaiva Lingayat / Lingabalija 

47 Kurmi 

48 Aheer/ Aheer Yadav 

49 Govili/Govlii/ Gouli/Gavli 

50 Kulla Kadagi/ Kulle Kadigi/ Chittepu 

51Sarollu/Soma Vamsha Kshatriya 


(Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Muslims) 

(Subject to outcome of Civil Appeal No(s).2628-2637/2010 etc., pending before the  Hon'ble Supreme Court of India) 

1 Achchukattalavandlu, Singali, Singamvallu, Achchupanivallu, Achchukattuvaru, Achukatlavandlu 

2 Attar Saibulu, Attarollu 

3 Dhobi Muslim/ Muslim Dhobi/ Dhobi Musalman, Turka Chakla or Turka Sakala, Turaka  Chakali, Tulukka Vannan, Tsakalas, Sakalas or Chakalas, Muslim Rajakas 4 Faqir, Fhakir Budbudki, Ghanti Fhakir, Ghanta Fhakirlu, Turaka Budbudki, Darvesh, Fakeer


5 Garadi Muslim, Garadi Saibulu, Pamulavallu, Kani-Kattuvallu, Garadollu, Garadiga 6 Gosangi Muslim, Phakeer Sayebulu 

7 Guddi Eluguvallu, Elugu Bantuvallu, Musalman Keelu Gurralavallu 

8 Hajam, Nai, Nai Muslim, Navid 

9 Labbi, Labbai, Labbon, Labba 

10 Pakeerla, Borewale, Deera Phakirlu, Bonthala 

11 Qureshi, Kureshi/ Khureshi, Khasab, Marati Khasab, Muslim Katika, Khatik Muslim 12 Shaik/ Sheikh 

13 Siddi, Yaba, Habshi, Jasi 

14 Turaka Kasha, Kakkukotte Zinka Saibulu, Chakkitakanevale, Terugadu Gontalavaru,  Thirugatigantla, Rollaku Kakku Kottevaru, Pattar Phodulu, Chakketakare, Thuraka Kasha _______________________________________________________________________ * omitted vide G.O Ms.No.3, BCW(OP) Dept., Dated:14.08.2014 

N.B.:1)The above list is for information and subject to confirmation with reference to   G.O.Ms.No.58, SW(J) Department, dated 12.05.1997 and time to time orders. 2) On account of any reason whatsoever in case of any doubt/ dispute arising in the matter  of community status (SC/ST/BC/OC) of any candidate, subject to satisfaction with regard  to relevant Rules and Regulations in force the decision of the Commission shall be final  in all such cases.



List of recognized sports disciplines for Two Percent (2%) reservation in Direct  Recruitment in Government Departments / Govt. Institutions as per G.O. Ms. No. 74,  Youth Advancement, Tourism & Culture (Sports) Department Dated:09-08-2012 


(2) HOCKEY  




(6) TENNIS  









(15) BOXING  

(16) CYCLING  

(17) ROWING  


(19) FENCING  



(22) ARCHERY  

(23) CRICKET  

(24) CHESS  

(25) KHO-KHO  

(26) JUDO  



(29) BODY BUILDING (Uniform Services like Police, Excise etc).





No. Name of the Bank 1Andhra Pragathi Grameena  Bank 

2 A U Small Finance Bank 

3 Bandhan Bank 

4 Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait 5 Bank of Baroda 

6 Bank of India 

7 Bank of Maharashtra 

8 Bassien Catholic Coop Bank 9 Canara Bank 

10 Capital Small Finance Bank 11 Catholic Syrian Bank 

12 Central Bank of India 

13 City Union Bank 

14 Cosmos Bank 

15 DCB Bank 

16 Deutsche Bank 

17 Dhanlakshmi Bank 

18 Digibank by DBS 

19 Equitas Small Finance Bank 20 ESAF Small Finance Bank 21 Federal Bank 

22 Fincare Bank 

23 Gujarat State Co-operative  Bank Limited 

24 HDFC Bank 

25 HSBC Retail Net Banking 

26 ICICI Bank 

27 IDBI Bank 


29 Indian Bank 

30 Indian Overseas Bank 

31 Indus-Ind Bank 

32 Jammu & Kashmir Bank 

33 Jana Small Finance Bank 34 Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd Pune


No. Name of the Bank 35 Kalyan Janata Sahakari Bank 

36 Karnataka Bank Ltd 

37 Karnataka Gramin Bank 

38 Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank 39 Karur Vysya Bank 

40 Kotak Bank 

41 Laxmi Vilas Bank 

42 Maharashtra Gramin Bank 

43 Mehsana urban Co-op Bank 44 NKGSB Co-op Bank 

45 North East Small Finance Bank  Ltd 

46 Nutan Nagarik Sahakari Bank  Limited 

47 Punjab & Sind Bank 

48 Punjab National Bank 

49 RBL Bank Limited 

50 Saraswat Bank 

51 SBM Bank India 

52 Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative  Bank Ltd 

53 South Indian Bank 

54 State Bank of India 

55 SVC Co-operative Bank Ltd 56 Tamil Nadu State Co-operative  Bank 

57 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. 58 The Kalupur Commercial Co Operative Bank 59 The Surat People’s Co-operative  Bank Limited 

60 The Sutex Co-op Bank Ltd 

61 T J S B Bank 

62 UCO Bank 

63 Union Bank of India 

64 Utkarsh Small Finance Bank 65 Varachha Co-operative Bank  Limited 

66 YES Bank Ltd 

67 Zoroastrian Co-Operative Bank  Ltd





1.1. The applicants are required to go through the user guide and satisfy themselves as to  their eligibility for this recruitment carefully before applying and enter the particulars  completely online. 

1.2. Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of application and submit  application through website only. The particulars made available in the website will be  processed through computer and the eligibility is decided in terms of Notification and  confirmed accordingly. 

1.3. The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the website and  within the time only shall be considered. The Commission will not be held responsible for  any kind of delay/discrepancy on part of the candidate. 

1.4. Applicants must compulsorily upload his/her own scanned photo and sign on the photo  through jpg format. 

1.5. The applicants should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or  suppress any material information while making an application through website

1.6. No separate application is needed for Main Examination. The application submitted for  the recruitment is only considered up to the finalization of selection

1.7. Important:- Handwritten / typed / Photostat copies / printed application form will not be  accepted. 

1.8. EDIT OPTION TO THE CANDIDATES:-The applicants should utilize the edit option to  rectify the mistakes viz., Biodata particulars/Data corrections / Omissions etc., in the application. If the edit option facility is not utilized by the candidates, the TSPSC is not  responsible and the data already available is treated as final. After the due date, Data  corrections through Online/Paper representations or Corrections on the Nominal Rolls in  the examination hall will not be accepted under any circumstances. No correspondence  will be entertained in this matter

1.9. The following certificates / documents must be submitted by the candidates at the time of  verification of certificates.  

(i) PDF Application form. 

(ii) Hall Ticket.  

(iii) Aadhaar Card /Voter ID / Pass Port / Driving License / Service ID Cards with  (Photograph issued by Central/State/PSU/Public Limited Companies) /  Passbook with (photograph by Bank / Post Office) / PAN Card. 

(iv) Proof of Educational Qualifications.  

(v) S.S.C / CBSE / ICSE (For Date of Birth). 

(vi) School Study Certificate (1st to 7th Class). 

(vii) Certificate of Residence (where the Candidate has not studied in Educational  Institution) (1st to 7th Class period) obtained from competent authority of  Telangana Government.  

(viii) Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming exemption from payment of exam  fee). 

(ix) No Objection Certificate from Employer (even if employed at any later stage of  recruitment). 

(x) Service Certificate (If any employee claimed Age relaxation).  

(xi) Certificate claiming sports reservation.  

(xii) Certificate claiming Ex-servicemen for age relaxation.  

(xiii) Community Certificate for BCs, SCs & STs (Issued in the name of candidate with  Father/Mother Name is only acceptable.) obtained from Revenue Authority not  below the rank of Tahasildar working under Telangana Government.  

(xiv) Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate. 

(xv) Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for BCs as per Form- VIIB vide G.O. Ms. No. 34  BC Welfare (OP) Department Dt.08/10/2015 and G.O. Ms. No. 20 BC Welfare 


(OP) Department Dt.31/10/2017 (Certificate issued in the name of candidate  along with Father’s/Mother’s name only is acceptable) obtained from Revenue  Authority not below the rank of Tahasildar working under Telangana  Government. 

(xvi) Latest Income Certificate in prescribed format for EWS reservation obtained  from Revenue Authority not below the rank of Tahasildar working under  Telangana Government in the name of candidate with Parent’s name.  

(xvii) In case of PH Candidates, Visually Handicapped / Hearing Disability & Hearing  Impairment / Orthopedically Handicapped / Multiple disabilities, certificates  should be obtained from Competent Medical Authority in SADAREM format  relevant to them.  

(xviii) Any other certificate required. 


2.1 Candidates are directed to follow the Commission’s Website (  regularly to know the latest developments regarding the Recruitment, dates of  Examination, calling of candidates for verification of Certificates/ Medical Boards/  Results etc. 

2.2 These are model instructions and candidates must follow the latest instructions issued from time to time and also go through the Hall Ticket instructions  carefully. The latest instructions will prevail. 

2.3 The candidate will not be admitted to the examination Hall without going through  procedural formalities. 

2.4 The Candidate’s admission to the Examination hall is provisional, subject to the  eligibility, confirmation/satisfaction of conditions laid down in this Notification. 

2.5 The candidate should satisfy the Invigilator of his/her identity with reference to the  Signature and Photograph available on the Nominal Roll and Hall Ticket. 

2.6 The candidate must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly  provisional. The mere fact that an Admission to the examination does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries  made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted by the Commission  as true and correct. The candidates have to be found suitable after verification of  original certificates; and other eligibility criteria. The Applicant has to upload his/her  scanned recent colour passport photo and signature to the Application Form. Failure to 

produce the similar photograph, if required, at the time of verification, may lead to disqualification. 

2.7 Candidates are not allowed to carry any electronic gadgets, Mobiles/Smart phones,  Tablets, iPad, Pen drives, Calculators, Wallets, Handbags, or any kind of wrist  Watches, Bluetooth, pagers etc., to the Examination centre. 

2.8 Loaning and interchanging of stationery articles among the candidates is not permitted in the Examination hall and any form of malpractice will not be permitted in the exam  hall 

2.9 Copying or noting down questions/answers/options is not allowed. Severe action will be  taken if any candidate is found noting down the questions/answers/options. 

2.10 The candidates are expected to behave in an orderly and disciplined manner while  writing the Examination. If any candidate takes away the OMR Answer Sheet, his/her  candidature will be rejected and penal action including criminal prosecution as per law  will be initiated. In case of impersonation /malpractice/ improper behavior during  Examination, cases shall be booked in the Police Station concerned, apart from disqualifying his /her candidature. 

2.11 Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified from the selection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates in this regard. 

2.12 The Commission is also empowered to invoke the penal provisions of the T.S. Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractices and Unfair means) Act, 1997 (Act  No.25/1997) for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto and as per the Rules  of Procedure of TSPSC published in Telangana Gazette No: 60 dated 28/12/2015 in respect of this Notification.


2.13 The Hall Tickets are issued based on the declaration and the information provided by  the applicant in an online application. 

2.14 Date and Time of the Examination are mentioned in the Hall Ticket. Candidates should  go through the Hall Ticket instructions thoroughly. 

2.15 Candidates are liable for rejection at any point of time for submitting false/fake  information. 

2.16 In case the Hall-Ticket is without photo or too small, he/she should affix a passport size  photo on Hall-ticket in the space provided at the bottom and appear by duly getting  attested by a Gazetted Officer and giving an undertaking. He/she shall handover similar  photo to Chief Superintendent for affixing the same on the Nominal Rolls. 

2.17 The candidate should put his/her signature and get the signature of the invigilator at the  appropriate place in the OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate should also put his/her  signature in the Nominal roll at the place provided for the same. 

2.18 All the Instructions of the Commission should be followed scrupulously in the  Examination Hall

2.19 No candidate should leave the Examination hall till expiry of fulltime. 3) SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (PWD’s): 

The guidelines issued by Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and  Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities vide Office  Memorandum F.No. 34-02/2015-DD-III, Dt. 29/08/2018 and Corrigendum F.No. 34- 02/2015-DD-III (pt), Dt. 08/02/2019 and Office Memorandum No. F. No. 29-6/2019-DD III, Dt. 10/08/2022 with regard to providing of Scribe and compensatory time will be  implemented. However, TSPSC only shall provide scribes as per eligibility.  


4.1 The candidates shall report to the Examination venue one hour before the commencement of Examination, to record their Photo Image/thumb impression on  Biometric System etc., The entry gates of venue will be closed Half an hour before the  commencement of Examination. No candidates will be allowed into the Examination Hall  after closure of the center/venue gate. 

4.2 The candidate should go through the instructions given on the OMR sheet and cover  page of Question Booklet which will be provided to him/her in the Examination hall and  carefully write his/her Question Booklet Series/Number, Subject / Paper Code, Name of  the Examination Centre etc., in the OMR Answer Sheet.  

4.3 Since the OMR Answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Reader/  Scanner, the candidates have to USE BALL POINT PEN (BLUE/BLACK) ONLY. The  candidate will be supplied OMR Answer Sheet and is required to use Ball Point Pen  (Blue or Black) for filling the relevant blocks in the OMR Answer Sheet including  bubbling the answers. After writing the Examination the candidate has to handover the  OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator in the Examination hall. However, the Digital copy  of OMR Answer Sheets will be made available on the Commission’s website  immediately after completion of the image scanning. If any candidate takes away the  OMR Answer Sheet, his/her candidature will be rejected and penal action including  criminal prosecution as per law will be initiated. Use of whitener / eraser / chalk-powder  etc., is strictly prohibited on the OMR Answer sheet. Bubbling by Pencil / Ink Pen / Gel  Pen is not permitted in the Examination. 

4.4 The candidates should bring Ball Point Pen (Blue/Black) to fill up relevant columns on  the Answer Sheet. The candidate must ensure encoding the Hall Ticket Number,  Question Booklet Series/Number, Signature of the Candidate and get the signature of  the Invigilator, etc., on the OMR Answer sheet correctly, failing which the Answer sheet  will be rejected. 

4.5 OMR Answer sheets cannot be replaced under any circumstances in case of wrong  bubbling. If there is any defect in the Question Booklet or OMR Answer Sheet, please  ask the invigilator for replacement immediately. 

4.6 The Commission would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other candidates 


to detect patterns of similarity. If it is suspected that the responses have been shared  and the scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Commission will invalidate the OMR  Answer Sheet and cancel their candidature. 


5.1. In the case of CBRT, candidates shall report one and half hour before the scheduled  start time of the Examination. Gates will be closed thirty minutes before the  scheduled start time of the Examination. No candidates will be allowed into the  Examination Hall after closure of the center/venue gate. 

5.2. In the case of CBRT, candidates need to undergo the process of registration which  includes biometrics & photograph. 

5.3. The Examination link with the login screen will already be available on the system  allotted to the candidate. If this is not the case he/she has to inform the invigilator. 

5.4. Candidate will be prompted to login 10 minutes prior to the exam. Candidate has to  type the Login ID (Hall Ticket No.) and the Password (Password for Candidate will  be given on exam day) to proceed further. 

5.5. Invigilator will announce the password 10 minutes before the commencement of  Examination. 

5.6. After logging in, the following will be displayed on the Computer screen allotted to  the Candidate: 

Profile Information - Check the details & click on “I Confirm” or “I Deny”. Detailed exam instructions - Please read and understand thoroughly. 

Please click on the “I am ready to Begin” button. 

5.7. After reading the instructions, Candidate has to use the mouse to answer the multiple-choice type questions having FOUR alternative answer choices. 

5.8. To answer any numerical answer type question, Candidate needs to use the virtual numeric key pad and the mouse. 

5.9. On the online exam question screen, the timer will display the balance time  remaining for the completion of exam. 

5.10. The question numbers are color coded and of different shapes based on the process of recording the response: 

White (Square) - For un-attempted questions. 

Red (Inverted Pentagon) - For unanswered questions. 

Green (Pentagon) - For attempted questions. 

Violet (Circle) - Question marked by candidate for review to be answered later. 

Violet (Circle with a Tick mark) - Question answered but marked by candidate for review. 

5.11. After answering a question, he/she has to click the SAVE & NEXT button to save Candidate response and move on to the next question. 

5.12. Click on “Mark for Review & NEXT” to mark question for review, and to go to the next question. 

5.13. To clear any answer chosen for a particular question, he/she has to click on the  CLEAR RESPONSE button. 

5.14. A summary of each section, (i.e. questions answered, not answered, marked for review) is available for each section. Candidate has to place the cursor over the section name for this summary. 

5.15. In case Candidate wish to view a larger font size, Invigilator has to be informed. On  the Invigilator's confirmation, Candidate may select the font size according to the  need. The font size will be visible on the top. 

5.16. Candidate may view INSTRUCTIONS at any point of time during exam, by clicking  on the INSTRUCTIONS button on the screen.


5.17. The SUBMIT button will be activated after the stipulated time of Examination. It will  continue for an additional designated time for PH candidates eligible for  compensatory time who are allowed for the same as per Rules. Timer on the screen  has to be checked by the candidate.  

5.18. In case of automatic or emergency log out, for all questions attempted by the  Candidate till that time, the responses will be saved. And also, the exam will start  from the time where it had stopped and will continue for the remaining period. 

5.19. Candidate will be provided a blank sheet for rough work. Candidate has to write  his/her Hall ticket Number and sign on the rough sheet. Candidate should ensure  that he/she returns it to the invigilator at the end of the exam. 

5.20. Candidate shall not touch the key board as Candidate’s exam ID will get locked. If  Candidate’s ID gets locked, the same may be informed to the invigilator who will  help in unlocking the ID and then can continue with the exam. 

5.21. Candidate should inform the invigilator in case of any technical issues. In case of  any technical issues, the candidate should sit at the allocated seat and wait till the  issue gets resolved. There won’t be any time loss to the candidates due to the  technical issue. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the Examination lab/room  while the issue / resolution is under progress  

5.22. In case of exceptional conditions where disruption of the Examination happens due  to unforeseen conditions in any center, in any session, the Examination will be  reconducted along with new session for those candidates only whose examination  got disrupted. If the disruption happens in the last session, Examination will be  reconducted for those candidates only whose Examination got disrupted and the  modality of Normalization of marks of such candidates shall be decided by the  Expert Committee to be constituted by the Commission. Decision of the Expert  Committee is final. 


6.1 The candidates shall report to the Examination venue one hour before the commencement of Examination, to record their Photo Image/thumb impression on  Biometric System etc., The entry gates of venue will be closed Half an hour before the  commencement of Examination. No candidates will be allowed into the Examination  Hall after closure of the center/venue gate. Loaning and interchanging of stationery  articles among the candidates is not permitted in the Examination hall. Electronic  devices including cell phones and pagers are not allowed in the Examination hall. 

6.2 Candidates will not be permitted to leave the Examination hall till the expiry of fulltime. If any  candidate leaves the examination hall in the middle, he/she will be disqualified 

6.3 If articles, other than the Hall ticket, photo identity proof are carried by the candidates  they should be left outside the Examination center / venue. 

6.4 The Candidates appearing for Written Examination (Main) Conventional papers will be  supplied with answer books attached to OMR / Barcode sheet and the candidates have  to answer in the answer book with Blue or Black Ball Point Pen only. 

6.5 The candidates should read the instructions carefully given on the backside of OMR /  Barcode Sheet which is attached to the Main Answer Book and fill-in the columns  legibly and encode properly in Examination Hall. For any Violation, the answer script  will be invalidated. 

6.6 Procedure to be followed in case of Digital Mode of Question Paper Display in Main  Examination.  

(a) Question paper of Conventional papers (Descriptive Exams) will be displayed  on Computer Screen after login.  

(b) The Candidates appearing for the Descriptive Exams should type the Login ID  (Hall ticket No) and the Password (Password for Candidate will be given on  exam day) to proceed further.  

(c) Facility of downloading question paper will be given to the candidates from  Commission's website after completion of Examinations. 


6.7 In case of Digital Evaluation, the Descriptive Answer Booklets are scanned and  uploaded for evaluation.  

6.8 The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of Question Booklet and write / encode their Hall Ticket Number, Center etc., carefully in the  Answer Sheet, which will be provided in the Examination hall.  

6.9 The candidates have to use Ball-Point pen (Blue/Black) only for writing the answers.  Otherwise the answer sheets will be invalidated.  

6.10 The candidates must ensure encoding the Hall Ticket Number, Paper Code and  Question Booklet series/Number etc., on the OMR / Barcode sheet correctly in the  columns provided, failing which the answer sheet will be rejected and it will not be  valued.  

6.11 The candidates are instructed to note that the wrong bubbling of any part of OMR /  Barcode Sheet cannot be replaced at all. The use of whitener and over writing, if any,  and improper bubbling leads to invalidation of answer sheet.  




The criteria of Normalization 

The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has been using Computer  Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) for various recruitments from 2017 onwards. The CBRT  involves the Normalization of the Scores of candidates for the Examinations which are  conducted in Multi-sessions to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the  question papers across different sessions. Further, the process of normalization as adopted  by major leading organizations at National and State level in the conduct of Recruitment  Examinations and Entrance Examinations is also adopted by the Commission

The Commission has adopted the following formula to calculate final score of  candidates in the multi-session CBRT Examinations as recommended by the Experts’  Committee constituted by the Commission. 


N.B. 1. Calculation of normalized marks will be done up to 5 decimal places.  

2. Normalized marks of the candidate may vary from the original / absolute marks  obtained. 

3. Normalized marks of the candidate only shall be taken for General Ranking List  (GRL) preparation.

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